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Everything posted by kks_krishna

  1. Hello All, I have downloaded Zend studio and started developing the php applications. I am new to working with Zend studio. I am having problem in running the PHP file because there is no server configured. How can I configure the Apache server inside Zend studio? Please help me. Thanks, Krishna
  2. I would like to develop a classifieds website like olx.in. For that choosing a PHP as language is good or not? Please let me know your suggestions for starting the development.
  3. HI, How can i get last character in a String?
  4. HI, I have writen the code and its working fine. Please anyone check for the correctness of the code. If you know any better approach please guide me. The following code i have written: $q_url_id = $_GET['q_url_id']; $chars = preg_split('[-]', $q_url_id, 2, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); print_r($chars);
  5. NO..It can be anything but number. It may be 12 or 8 or 999 etc..
  6. HI, I have the following string "12-what-is-clonable-interface-in-java/". In that I want to split "12" and "what-is-clonable-interface-in-java" as two parts. Can anyone help me to to do this.
  7. hi, I am not using PHP 5. how can use it?
  8. do i need to import utill class?
  9. HI, How can I define a common utility functions in the utility class and then i want to use the function in many other classes. I don't want to define in each class.
  10. I think your query is missing single quote. try this : DELETE FROM ``application`` WHERE id='%s'"
  11. HI, I have a html file. How to generate PDF file using PHP?
  12. HI, I want to write my own search functionality for my site. The data is stored in the MySql database. I don't have much idea how to implement. My doubt is we have lots of data in the DB, is there any good way to improve the performance while searching? Please guide on this how i can get started.
  13. Thanks. It helps me lot.
  14. thanks.. do we need to import Common.php?
  15. Let me put it clear. For example I have two files : detail.php and common.php Here detail.php is the file where we write the logic. Common.php is used for delaring all the common variables used across the files. take one scenario, i want to display 10 rows per page, so i will add one variable as rows_per_page = 10; in common.php. I want to use this varible in detail.php bcos it can be used in other files also. so did like this: common.php ----------- class{ rows_per_page=10; } detail.php --------- class Detail{ function m(){ // i want to use that variable here. how can i do that. } Pleaes help me. }
  16. how can i delare outside and improt to all the classes. for example i have some commmon variables to be across all the files. so i want to delare those varibles in seperate files and use it on other files. how can i do that?
  17. HI, How can i declare a global variable to a class or a file?
  18. HI, I have the following urls: http://www.sitename.com/articles/2007/10/articles-name/ http://www.sitename.com/articles/2007/10/articles-name/2 http://www.sitename.com/articles/2007/10/articles-name/3 ..... I want to get the url pattern like this for all the above string: http://www.sitename.com/articles/2007/10/article-name.html This i need for displaying whole article for print option. How can i do that?
  19. Can anyone help me on this problem?
  20. If i could do not the same logic in the PHP, then I have to go for javascript. I am not very good in PHP. Please help me.
  21. no..i think you are not understanding my problem. For example i have the url : www.sitename.com/articles/2007/10/article-name/ This url is included three files like header.php,footer.php,etc. So, now my logic goes inside the footer.php. some thing like this : $text = $_SERVER['proper_string']; $text = substr($text,0,strrpos($text,"/")); $text = substr($text,strrpos($text,"/")+1); I need the URL in the address bar to manipulate the string. here what i get is www.sitename.com/articles/templates/footer.php instaed of www.sitename.com/articles/2007/10/article-name/. Are you clear with my questions? Can i do this in PHP? thanks,
  22. None of the variables are satisfied my need. I think i have to use javascript for that.
  23. I have tried it. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] gets the server root, if it is included file also then it takes the "footer.php". But i want the exact url in the address bar.. Please help me.
  24. no..its is not showing the entire url . It displays only the website url like www.sitename.com
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