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    Rockmart Ga

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  1. here is another add-on basically for me to test. It tracks users on this page, and on any page that image is displayed. I will post it here to test my monitor, make sure it is working good with a lot of hits on it.
  2. I have fixed all these things except the ascii chars in the chat i will probably do that when i change the chat log to xml format I disabled the username "Array", but array would be fine. i dont see any problem with the string "array", but i guess "Array" could cause a problem somewhere
  3. I have installed a demo version of the software, to test the software all Click Here and login. No email address is required. There have been a lot of updates to the software in the last few days. as soon as i get to a point where i can confirm that it is a stable version i will be letting users download a free version (not a trial version) to install on there own server. It is working pretty good from i can tell now, it still needs some polish on the user interfaces. and on the way it handles transcripts.
  4. XSS on the step #2 select
  5. if you catch me online (at http://www.nixme.com ) click the live chat button and i got a username and pass for you to use the main account so i dont have to keep uploading files to different dirs every time
  6. I have fixed the options page(still not uploaded it to your dir) but in doing so i have changed a lot of the way it is protecting it. now i have got to go back and change a lot of the pages... atleast it works better now :-\
  7. take a look at the options page again, i added a few more checks to it i will go look at these other issues
  8. Ok, i just took care of those issues.
  9. when you get back on the site, do another full install. I updated part of the database, fixed the chat char problem, added the "Offline Messages" section so you can see the messages that were left while you were offline, inside the message center you can send them a reply from the admin area or delete the message it will also alert you when there is new messages on the header added an option onto the admin chat window to let you know if the client closes his chat window
  10. and while i was doing that i have managed to overwrite a file that i added a couple of new classes to, so now i get to rewrite those...
  11. ok, thats what i was saying before it crashed. about half way into it i was wishing i was using xml instead. i might go back and change it it use xml now
  12. what char was you typing in, it killed both installs when you are in a session
  13. well i managed to kill our chat session by uploading a file that killed it, i am changing it all back now
  14. K got that one as well, I am going to change all these errors display after the page gets loaded so that it does not look like the page is messed up.
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