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  1. Example; if a file is uploaded with a SPACE in it's name "My file.jpg", can the SPACE be replaced by an underscore? "My File.jpg" -> "My_File.jpg" ? The file name is kept in a table called "name".
  2. I don't know where the "edit" button is, but I also have another problem.. when someone "downloads" a file, the link only displays the first word, for example, if the file is called "My File.jpg", it will only display "My", and when downloaded, will be a file called "My".. so people won't be able to open it without changing the name.. Can this be fixed?
  3. Quick question How do I make it so that file types, example ".rar" are listed on a download page as "RAR", other than the default "application/octet-stream". I'm using mySQL to keep the data type. Thank you.
  4. Hello! Thank you for the very useful reply! There seems to be a problem though.. Where do I locate php.ini? I have a reseller account of a shared hosting, so would that mean I need to contact the server host to change the php.ini? Or should I make a new one in the /etc/ folder? Where do these go? I'm still new to php, so I don't exactly understand where to put these.. Thank you.
  5. Hello, and thank you for the reply! I don't exactly understand where to put this code, and where do I find the codes / tutorials on how to do the 4 points you listed above? If you want, can I post my full upload script here and have it edited to the way it should work? If this is asking too much, can you point me in the right direction (for tutorials, or something similar)? If you can do it for me, I'll repay you by giving you a free webhosting space.. as much as up to 50GB of server space, and whatever bandwidth..
  6. Hi.. my upload script works fine - the only thing is that it times out for no reason; it happens in this script too. Uploading files like ~5mb works perfectly, but going for files more than 10mb times out.. Thanks for helping, but this didn't fix it
  7. Hi.. still need help with this I emailed the original host seller, but they haven't replied.. maybe they don't know what's going on / what I mean.. Can anyone help? :'(
  8. It's a reseller hosting where I can make shared accounts.. Does this count?
  9. Hi again - just like to say thank you for previous help. Just a quick one today, I'm quite sure it's just me doing something completely wrong. After uploading my previous upload/download script and getting it to work (refer to my other topics; Upload & Download Script and Error in uploading file), it ended up not working completely right. I had someone try to upload a 10 mb file, and it came with an error.. I realized this must have something to do with the max upload allowed, and so, in my .htaccess file, I set it to; php_value upload_max_filesize 1000M Just to see if it'll work. Still no luck. After trying to upload a 10 mb file, I think it "times out" within 3-4 minutes. It refreshes the page, where it's suppose to display the "FILE HAS BEEN UPLOADED SUCCESSFULLY", but displays nothing - nor is the file uploaded to the directory, listed on the download list, or even added to the MySQL. Does anyone know what might be the problem? Thank you (I can post the site for those who want to try it out, but it contains 16+ content (it's an upload site for aarinfantasy.com).
  10. No, still doesn't work.. Thank you for trying to help, but I'll just remove it - if you happen to find the answer later, please let me know. Thank you. :'(
  11. It disables it, but still doesn't submit.. This is what's been happening..
  12. Sorry, should this go <input name="upload" type="Submit" id="upload" value="Upload" onclick="showProgress();" onclick="this.disabled=true;" HERE>? I don't understand.
  13. Well ok.. thanks for the help. I'll try finding the answer somewhere..
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