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Everything posted by pratamishus

  1. Hi! Thank you for the reply, but for some reason - it did not work. I know it should be and I have no idea why it isn't working. I have done it in the most stupid way possible, but working: for($z=0; $z<$final_width; $z++) { for($y=0; $y<$final_height; $y++) { $rgb=imagecolorat($image_resized, $z, $y); if($rgb) imagesetpixel($image_resized, $z, $y, $bcolor); } } If anyone can suggest a better way, I would thank that person everyday I live
  2. Hello people! My problem is as follows: I need to convert a partially transparent PNG to a transparent GIF. Everything works fine except of the background problem. You might know such thing in photoshop as "Matte" for the GIF images. So when I convert my PNG to a GIF I want to set the Matte of the image (for instance #00FF00). This means that I want to set a green background to the PNG image and then set all the parts that are absolutely equal to 00FF00 (0, 255, 0) to become transparent. Also I can't create loops running through each pixel as this loads my server with the amount of requests I have. Here is the part of the code that creates my backround: imagealphablending($image_resized, true); // Create a new transparent color for image $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_resized,$back_color[0], $back_color[1], $back_color[2], 127); // Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color. $color=imagecolorallocate($image_resized, $back_color[0], $back_color[1], $back_color[2]); imagefill($image_resized, 0, 0, $color); // Restore transparency blending imagesavealpha($image_resized, true); //$black = imagecolorallocate($image_resized, $back_color[0], $back_color[1], $back_color[2]); // Make the background transparent imagecolortransparent($image_resized, $color); In the given code: if I remove the "imagefill" line the script works, but the Matte becomes black. If I enable it, background sets up perfectly, but the transparency works wrong. Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
  3. Yes you are right. I set the form enctype="multipart/form-data" and <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000000"> Which is 100 MB(for testing ! ). Still no luck.
  4. Hi! I have post problems. Whenever I post files more than 4 MB it does not upload files on my local server. It just does nothing. tried to set the post_max_size = 10M; max_execution_time = 100; memory_limit = 250M; in the php.ini. Still no luck. What's wrong? Can anyone help.
  5. I am sorry this is none of my business, but I just do not get it. You have a large image advertisement that is not very usable and bothers very much. why do not you put text advetisements on top, bottom and center of your forum. This would be more usable and would not distruct that much. I could show you a sample on another SMForum, but afraid that would be considered as advertisement .
  6. No you did not quite understand. Google does not provide item allocation. For instance you want to show users location of petrol stations. On a CMS you click on a station location and add it's details. Those will be given on the user-side. A sample of what a user would get is here (userside only): http://delek4less.co.il/index.php?id=1 (The site has some bugs as it is not ready yet, and works in IE6 only by now).
  7. Hello PHPiers. I am creating a web-site that would generate an AJAX map for web-sites. What happens is 1. A user registers for an account. There are two types of accounts a. Embedding a map without items (shops, petrol stations, etc.) b. Embedding a map with items (several or some). 2. A user uploads an image of the map, sets some settings (such as amount of zooms on the map, how many times should each zoom increase the map in size, etc.) 3. The web-site generates the map according to his/her settings (automatically) and creates several files (scripts, images and manual) on server so that he/she would be able to download them (This will include classes for user-side and classes for administrative system of the user). So could you answer the following questions: 1. Would you find such service useful 2. And how much would you pay to have a life time account for such service. Thanks in advance, Pratamishus.
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