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  1. aha so the php in /bin is php-cgi. That solved it thanks guys.
  2. oh I'm using linux gentoo and I tried locate php-cgi and I couldn't find it. There is only php executable in /usr/local/php5/bin/
  3. I came across an executable php-cgi in my bin directory for php4. Now I am upgrading to php5.21, but I don't know how to get php-cgi ? can somebody help ? Thank you very much.
  4. Hi, can anyone tell me how to enable dom extension in php5. I'm using linux gentoo, apache 2.0 and MySQL. my php version is PHP Version 5.1.6-pl6-gentoo. Thank you in advance
  5. Hi Guys, I have an apache server with php 4.44 installed. I was wondering is there any way I can make php 4.44 support DOM and XML? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance
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