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  1. I think that the onmouseover event is going to be about the only way your going to be able to do this.
  2. Again; I will tell you the same as I have told all the rest - "That is your opinion" and you have a right to it. But as means of personal preference; I choose to use tables and css combined or occasionally seperate to accomplish layouts. I am right; because people have the right to choose what ever type of layouts they wish to use. There is nothing wrong with using one or the other and that is the point indeed. In fact; I have enlightened any readers of this and the previous thread.
  3. I could understand that position if you were right. Unfortunately ... This thread appears to have served whatever purpose it might have had. I'm closing it now. Fortunately, I am right and yes; I did prove my point and that is tables vs. css layouts are a matter of "personal preference". By the way, locking me out; will not get you the last word with me. I also noticed that you waited until I left this original thread to lock it; that's not very gutsy AndyB - not giving people a chance to respond to your comments. As a matter of fact; I would say it's pretty cowardly.
  4. XHTML is the same things as HTML; it's just a more strict mark-up. Show me where that is documented - that html tables are going to be de-appericiated in any browser; I do what I do and you can do what you do - again; your another one of those people who doesn't get the point of this post - "personal preference". Maybe you should read the previous points I made in this thread. PS:This thread was already dead; you keep replying with witty comment and so will I - debate king here - you will not beat me on this - I guarantee it - so let it go. Your personal preference is not everyone else's personal preference. That's just in your wisdom book; not mine or everyone else's book.
  5. The problem is that window.createPopup() is not cross browser scripting compatible. Try This Instead: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Popup Example</TITLE> <script language="javascript"> function show_popup() { var oPopup = window.open('','popIt','width=300,height=225'); oPopup.document.write('<html><head><title>Dynamic Pop-Up Example</title></head><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>'); } </script> </HEAD> <BODY> <input type="button" onclick="show_popup()" value="Click Me!"> </HTML> I know this will work in IE and FF, but I am not sure about any other browser; you will have to test that for yourself.
  6. Your Welcome - Glad You Finally Got It Working
  7. Well you didn't say anything about checkboxes before; you just said you had a form with inputs - got to explain a little more specifically in the future; like you did in your above post. But I guess the main thing is; that you got it working.
  8. Try this and see if it is what your looking for: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,179668.msg800776.html#msg800776 You probably will have to implement it a little bit different; but you should be able to configure it to your needs.
  9. Here is another example of how it would work, but let me warn you now; if your trying to get the values of this many input fields at one time; your going to freeze up people's browsers (due to all the memory this script would take up; once it initiated). <script language="javascript"> function doIt() { for (i=1; i<=1000; i++) { document.getElementById("message").innerHTML += document.getElementById("boxy"+i).value + " "; } } </script> <form> <script language="javascript"> for (i=1; i<=1000; i++) { document.write('<input type="text" id="boxy'+i+'" value="Hello">'); } </script> <br><br> <input type="button" onclick="doIt()" value="Return Values"> </form> <div id="message"></div>
  10. It works fine for me; it is getting all the values from your input fields, that have an id of "boxy"; plus the corresponding number, that goes along with the id. The form is not even in play with this script; it is pulling values ("echo"ing is you call it; but that is a PHP term) from input fields that have the "boxy" (plus number) id and displaying the values in your "message" div. Doesn't refresh the page for me; that issue must be coming from somewhere else in you script/page. Did you add the ids to each of the input fields; like the way I showed you in the demo?
  11. Your Welcome - That's just part of learning any scripting language; stressing yourself out; only to find out it was something really simple in the end - lol.
  12. One way to solve this issue is to change the font-size of the select menu's options. I think (now don't hold me to this; because there maybe another way to do this other than a dhtml select menu and if there is; I'm sure someone else on here will let you know); this is one of those browser based display issue that can not be change with CSS. I think IE strictly conforms the select menu's dropdown option uniformly with the CSS style outlined for the select element; as where FireFox understands this issue and overflows the dropdown menu based on the text length of the options. Again this is my hypotheis and I could be wrong and if I am; I know a couple people on this forum who would love to tell me I am. If I were you; I would try to change the font-size and see if that helped and if it doesn't; look into "DHTML Select Menu". I have created them before for instances like this; only my reason was; so that I could completely customize a select menu to anyway I wanted it to look and it will display that way through-out a cross browser platform.
  13. What do you mean you don't know what the selections are when they are submitted; isn't your PHP script receiving the variables and processing them server side?
  14. Use AJAX to send the user's selection to you database; that is if you don't want to reload the page; otherwise, just use PHP by itself.
  15. How about we try it like this: <script language="javascript"> function doIt() { for (i=1; i<=2; i++) { document.getElementById("message").innerHTML += document.getElementById("boxy"+i).value + " "; } } window.onload=function() { doIt(); } </script> <form> <input type="text" id="boxy1" value="Hello"> <input type="text" id="boxy2" value="World"> </form> <div id="message"></div> Can you live with it this way? Of course you will want to change the script around to the way you want it to be; but the above is just for demo purposes.
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