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  1. Sorry, I has this problem with probability adding. Let say every time i called a function AddX(), it return a true or false. With a probability of 0.2, Every 5 time that I called this function Add(X), 1 time it will return me true and 4 time false. How to do that?
  2. I try to use Jquery to load a php page into a div. At first, i load the correct data but once i changed data in database and i click on the link to load the php again. It load back the old data. This is the page i try to load to the div. include "mysql.php"; $plt = array("1", "2", "3", "Support", "HQ"); for($x=0;$x<5;$x++){ $mysql = "SELECT * FROM information WHERE Platoon ='".$plt[$x]."'"; $info = mysql_query($mysql); $plttotal[$plt[$x]] = mysql_num_rows($info); } This is the function to load the page into the div. function status(){ $('#tcontent3').load('status.php'); }
  3. Is php able to read data from USB port and display the information read? I had a fingerprint reader which i want to read data from it and use it.. PHP is installed on server side.. Any1 can help or show some guideline?
  4. No, What i trying to do now is to read input from the fingerprint reader which is connected to USB port.. Is there anyway to do that? It is connected to the server side. I has the driver and the program. However, the program does not provided wat i wan.. I need to create a program to read the fingerprint reader.. How do i do it?
  5. i try it out with this code $word = new COM("bioneta.application") or die("Unable to instantiate Word"); The software is BIONETA.exe residue at C:\QS-Tech. however, i cannot able to make a connection. Actually i used a DLL viewer to view the dll files that the software provided. The low-level function that i wanna to use is in Sensor.dll.. How do i make a connection to it?
  6. I now trying to use the driver provided by the fingerprint reader to read data from USB port. However, when i try to load those dll as extension in php. I am unable to call those function in php. Example : QSUSB.dll got a function call QS_ReadData. <?php QS_ReadData(); ?> Error: called to undefined function ..
  7. Yes.. but some sort it does not work.. how to call the function inside the DLL file.
  8. I got two extension to added into php ext. One is Sensor.dll, Another one is USBDLL.dll. However, after i loaded it, i unable to use the function inside Sensor.dll.. Why?
  9. The fingerprint reader that i brought come with a driver and a software named BioNeta. however, i do not want to use the software to read data from the fingerprint sensor. Is php possible to make use of the driver provided to read data from the fingerprint sensor. It is installed on the server side, not client side.
  10. I has this device. I trying to use a fingerprint sensor to read data from the sensor. Apparently, this sensor is not a Human Interface Device. What i trying to do is to get the raw data that it read from the USB port. However, even i has the PID and VID, I cannot manage to find any information on WEB for reading data from USB port. The fingerprint sensor is used on server side. Can php manage to read data from USB port. If yes, how to do it?
  11. I dun get what u mean. Currently, it does not mount on WIndows XP as a drive. It is a input device that read fingerprint and sent the biometric code back to the computer. My problem now is how can i read the data that it input to my computer. It is connected using USB. So how can i read the data that it sent to USB port.
  12. I reading data from server side.. If php is run on local server.. Possible to get..
  13. I brought a fingerprint sensor from sim lim. Currently, i would like to read data that it sent to computer through USB. Is php possible to read data from USB device
  14. I used $().load to load a page $('#main').load('./quizsystem/management.php?page='+data); $('#main').ajaxSend(function(){ $('#loading').show(); }); $('#main').ajaxSuccess(function(){ $('#loading').hide(); }); i wished to get the loading time... i try using getTime() but failed... $('#main').load('./quizsystem/management.php?page='+data); $('#main').ajaxSend(function(){ x=d.getTime(); $('#loading').show(); }); $('#main').ajaxSuccess(function(){ y=d.getTime(); alert(y-x); $('#loading').hide(); }); it alert Nah..
  15. I got a main page which contain a main div called main In the main page, I inserted a hyperlink to load test.php into div main However in test.php, it contain pagination. When i clicked on page 2. the whole page reload. How can i solve this problem?
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