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Posts posted by DangerM0use

  1. Hi all.


    I'm struggling with something and I hope that someone can help. Basically, what I need to do is create a page, that when loaded runs a PHP script. The result of this PHP script basically joins two tables together. I have done that and it works OK.


    But, what I need to do after that is display this data in an XML document. I have this partly created, but, no data is being displayed. I believe this is because I have no elements declared. The fieldnames from the tables are to be used to name the containing in the XML document.


    This is the code that I have in the PHP page;


    # opens the file xyz.xml for writing
    # writes the header to the xml file
    fwrite($handle,'<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>');
    # puts a space in the file
    /*Remove these quote marks once CSS is created
    # writes the stylesheet code to the xml file
    fwrite($handle,'<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xyz.xsl"?>');
    # puts a space in the the next line
    # opens the tag 'data collection' that is used to signify the beginning of the data collection from the SQl tables that
    # will be put in the xml file and uses the XSL stylesheet to view it in a browser correctly
    # the SQL query to get the data from the database
    while ($newrow=mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
    # writes the opening tag 'data' that shows the beginning of the data got from the sql tables
    fwrite ($handle,"<data>\n");
    # counts number of lines in the data
    # writes the fieldnames
    fwrite ($handle,"<$fieldnames[$i]>$newrow[$i]</$fieldnames[$i]>");
    # counts the fieldnames
    # writes the fieldnames
    fwrite ($handle,"<$fieldnames[$i]>$newrow[$i]</$fieldnames[$i]>");
    # writes the 'data' closing tags
    fwrite ($handle,"</data>\n");
    # writes the closing 'data collection'


    From this when I run the .php page and then go to the xml page I get the following;



    <data> </data>

    <data> </data>

    <data> </data>




    So, where am I going wrong. Where do I put the tables fieldnames in so that it links to the information that is brought from the earlier php query?

  2. Hello all.


    I'm just wondering what the best practise for this code is. I have several queries and I don't know whether it is best to have a seperate query for each one or to have one main query. Here is the code;


    $file=file_get_contents("mydata.txt"); //read entire file into a string
    $query=explode(";",$file); //breaks the sting into an array
    foreach($query as $value) { //loops through the SQL statements
    mysql_query($value); //execute the statements
    mysql_query('update wes_ica_8 SET sss = (sss * 0.90)'); //change the value of column sss - decreasing by 10%
    $query = "select * from wes_ica_8 LEFT JOIN wes_tut_f ON wes_ica_8.id = wes_tut_f.id";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo"$id: $dinosaur: $id: $fat<br>)";
    mysql_close(); //close SQL connection
    echo "DONE"; //confirmation text



  3. Hello all.

    I am a university student that is taking a web scripting course, with a piece of coursework that I have just failed, miserably I might add. I have the resit due in for December, which I haven't yet got but am expecting soon.

    I am looking for someone that is willing to help me go through the original piece of coursework that I had and help me understand it better. I think that is mainly trying to understand what my lecturer was looking for me to deliver.

    The coursework is basically wanting 4 pages that incorporate PHP/SQL, Javascript and XML.

    Please please please someone help me go through the original piece of work so I am better prepared and have more chance of passing the resit in December.

    Please let me know.


  4. I have a sales table and I need to make a query that takes the initial sale price and the last sale price. Now normally what I would do is a query that took the first sales_# and the last sales_# to do this.

    The problem is that the product may not be sold everytime - it may be withdrawn from sale and those details are kept in the same table.

    Is it possible to do a query that gets the first sales_# that has a sales_price or am I going to have to look again at how I have created my table?

    Cheers for your time and any help!

  5. I am using identity so that everytime a new entry is entered into the db it automatially chooses the next available number

    Type_# int not null identity(1,1),

    I am just wondering if it is a good idea to have a constraint as well to make sure the number is in a set limit, so for example;

    constraint Type_# check (Type_# between '000000' and '999999'),


  6. Hi all,

    I know this is probably a very very simple question with an even simpler answer, but to me this is causing some problems. I need to create a date_of_birth field in one of my tables in my database where an artists date of birth can be entered. For some reason I can't use date and from what I have read it's because MSSQL does it differently. What is the best way to have a date field in a table? All I want is a date, no times etc.


  7. I've already designed and created all of the database, I am now going through it again trying to get a few extra marks here and there. One of the bits I am looking at again is the bio_location field in the Artist table. I want this to only allow web addresses in and not sure what the best way to do this is

  8. I use SQL Query Analyzer, this is connected to my database so any queries are run and then executed and effect the database. I can check what tables have been created using SQL Server Enteprise Manager. But currently there is nothing to display the data with other than that as this is just a database module and we are not required to do anything other than create the database

  9. Sorry I thought I should have put more info.

    I don't need to create a website to go with this. Basically I am creating a database that will run a website for purchasing art. Part of the requirement is to log the url of an artists bio (if they have one!)

    The database will be created and stored in my own student database on the uni server.

    I have completed just about every other aspect of it and am going through it all once more to try and get a few extra marks.

    I currently have it set so www is default but don't think this will really work too well. I also think that they would be told to type in the websites url on the form in the website, but if I can I want to try and limit what is typed in.

  10. This is a bit of code from it,


    drop table if exists wes_ica_6;
    drop table if exists wes_ica_7;
    drop table if exists wes_ica_8;
    create table wes_ica_6 (id int(11), country varchar(255), prizes int(11), fff varchar(255), uuu float);
    create table wes_ica_7 (id int(11), fruit varchar(255), prizes int(11), ggg varchar(255), ttt float);
    create table wes_ica_8 (id int(11), dinosaur varchar(255), prizes int(11), hhh varchar(255), sss float);

    There is more drop tables and create tables and there is also code for inserting data into each table

  11. Hi again,

    I am in the middle of an assignment at uni which has lots of tasks which will eventually create 4 different dynamic pages. On one of the pages, I need to create a script to open a file containing MySql in it. The MySql has commands to delete, recreate and repopulate a table. I currently have;


    $handle=fopen("filename" , "r");


    but I'm not entirely sure where to go from here. Can someone point me in the right direction as to where I need to look?


  12. Hi,

    this is a really simple question and one I should know the answer to. I am doing a tutorial task at uni where I have to get one row of data from every field in the table using asp.net


    The MySql part I currently have is;


    "SELECT * FROM Film showing" but as you know this is getting everything from the film showing table. What do I change to get what I want??



  13. I have a php document that takes information from a database table and places it in its relevent text field in a form. Now, all the fields that are textboxes work fine and display the info, but when I changed one of the textboxes to a textarea the data no longer displays. I have tried 2 different things to try and get it to work;


    echo "Article: <input name='article' type='textarea' cols='65' rows='15' value='".$row['article']."></textarea><br>\n";


    echo "Article: <textarea name='article' cols='65' rows='15' value='".$row['article']."'></textarea><br>\n";



    Neither won't display any of the data from the database. Any idea where i'm going wrong

  14. I can't figure out why I am getting the following error;


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /misc/27/000/107/398/6/user/web/xb-online.net/testing/article1.php on line 50


    for the following code.


    <title>Website article test version</title>
       echo "<p class='error'>No article ID supplied.</p>\n"; 
    else if(!$_POST['id'])
       //include config file 
       include "config.php"; 
      $title = ($_POST['title']);
       $query = "SELECT title, author, text FROM news WHERE id=".$_GET['id']; 
       $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed: ".mysql_error()); 
       if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { 
        // yes 
        // print them one after another
        echo "<table cellpadding=10 border=1>";
        while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // I like fetch_assoc better
            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>".$row['title']."</a></td>";
            echo "<td>".$row['author']."</td>";
            echo "<td>".$row['text']."</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
        echo "</table>";
    else { 
        // no 
        // print status message 
        echo "No rows found!"; 
    // free result set memory 
    // close connection 
    <a href ="index.php">Home</a>


    As far as I can tell I have closed all the PHP lines so I can't figure out why it won't allow me to close the html

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