Hey guys,
Does anyone know how to redirect a user to a specific page based on a login?
Essentially, there are only 3 separate pages involved, ie bob, sue and mary's.
When they enter their username and password I want them to be redirected to the appropriate corresponding page. This is the code I have below, but I am getting a parse error on line 11 (which is just a curly bracket -if the syntax was wrong i would have thought the parse error would be earlier on in the script).
Any suggestions?
if (!isset($username['bob']) || !isset($password['bob']))
header( "Location: http://www.somesite.com/bob.html" );
elseif (!isset($username['sue']) || !isset($password['sue']))
header( "Location: http://www.somesite.com/sue.html" );
else (!isset($username['mary']) || !isset($password['mary']))
header( "Location: http://www.somesite.com/ciara.html" );