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Everything posted by MadTechie

  1. run this and tell me how many rows you have and the also post the A's and B's echo'd its kinda hard you workout the problem without knowing the database $queryAA="SELECT staff_no from report "; $resultAA = mysql_query($queryAA,$dblink); while($rowAA = mysql_fetch_row($resultAA)) { echo "A"; $query="SELECT user.acc_no, report.staff_no, user.name, report.amount FROM user LEFT JOIN report on report.staff_no= user.staff_no WHERE status ='approve'and user.bank='maybank'and user.staff_no= '$rowAA[0]'" ; // echo $query; $result = mysql_query($query,$dblink); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "B"; // $x_pos = $pdf->SetX(50); $y_pos = $pdf->GetY(); $pdf->SetX(40); $pdf->Cell(50,6,$row[0],1,0,'C',1); $pdf->SetX(90); $pdf->Cell(40,6,$row[1],1,0,'C',0); $pdf->SetX(130); $pdf->Cell(80,6,$row[2],1,0,'C',0); $pdf->SetX(210); $pdf->Cell(20,6,$row[3],1,1,'C',0); }[code] [/code]
  2. change to $query=mysql_query("insert into members(company, userid, password, email, fname, lname, address, city, state, zip, phone) values('$company','$userid','$password','$email','$fname', '$lname','$address', '$city', '$state', '$zipcode', '$phone')"); changed '$phone', to '$phone'
  3. $query="SELECT user.acc_no, report.staff_no, user.name, report.amount FROM user LEFT JOIN report on report.staff_no= user.staff_no WHERE status ='approve'"; add the "; to the end
  4. Well as your using POST.. i guess you have a form.. so the link will need to submit that form.. so are you asking for a hyper link instead of a button ? normally your do it like this (for a button) //Form <form method="post"> <input name="firstname" type="text" /><br> <input name="lastname" type="text" /><br> <input name="age" type="text" /><br> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="submit" /> </form> //code <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { //connect to database mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO person (FirstName, LastName, Age) VALUES ('{$_POST['firstname']}','{$_POST['lastname']}','{$_POST['age']}')"; } ?>
  5. I spotted it (i think) try $query="SELECT user.acc_no, report.staff_no, user.name, report.amount FROM user LEFT JOIN report on report.staff_no= user.staff_no WHERE status ='approve'
  6. what was the error ?
  7. you changed to $_POST['$password'], which is wrong.. BUT instead i used extract <?php include "include/z_db.php";// database connection details stored here ?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en"> <html> <head> <title>Fast Fix Pro Signup</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" alink="#ff0000"> <?php extract($_POST); //<---I don't recommand this really if(isset($todo) and $todo=="post") { $status = "OK"; $msg=""; // if userid is less than 3 char then status is not ok if(!isset($userid) or strlen($userid) <3) { $msg=$msg."User id should be =3 or more than 3 char length<BR>"; $status= "NOTOK"; } if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM plus_signup WHERE userid = '$userid'"))) { $msg=$msg."Userid already exists. Please try another one<BR>"; $status= "NOTOK"; } if ( strlen($password) < 3 ) { $msg=$msg."Password must be more than 3 char legth<BR>"; $status= "NOTOK"; } if ( $password <> $password2 ) { $msg=$msg."Both passwords are not matching<BR>"; $status= "NOTOK"; } if ($agree<>"yes") { $msg=$msg."You must agree to terms and conditions<BR>"; $status= "NOTOK"; } if($status<>"OK") { echo "<font face='Verdana' size='2' color=red>$msg</font><br><input type='button' value='Retry' onClick='history.go(-1)'>"; }else{ // if all validations are passed. $query=mysql_query("insert into members(company, userid, password, email, fname, lname, address, city, state, zip, phone) values('$company','$userid','$password','$email','$fname', '$lname','$address', '$city', '$state', '$zipcode', '$phone',)"); echo "<font face='Verdana' size='2' color=green>Welcome, You have successfully signed up<br><br><a href=login.php>Click here to login</a><br></font>"; } } ?> </body> </html>
  8. can you post what you tried (in the way of the force download)
  9. insertsql($database_click_sql, $click_sql, "images", "site_id, page_id, ident, name, loc, description, width, height", "'$row_login['site_id']', '$_POST['page_id']', '$_POST['ident']', '$_POST['name']', '$saveloc.$filemame', '$_POST['description']', '$a_width', '$a_height'"); should be insertsql($database_click_sql, $click_sql, "images", "site_id, page_id, ident, name, loc, description, width, height", "{$row_login['site_id']}', '{$_POST['page_id']}', '{$_POST['ident']}', '{$_POST['name']}', '$saveloc.$filemame', '{$_POST['description']}', '$a_width', '$a_height'"); also change if (mysql_query($insertSQL, $dbuser)) { if (!($no_response == "true")) { to if (mysql_query($insertSQL, $dbuser) or die(mysql_error())) { if (!($no_response == "true")) {
  10. see ForceDownload
  11. change $userid to $_POST['userid'] $password to $_POST['password'] $password2 to $_POST['password2']
  12. its probably the SQL statement.. try $query="SELECT user.acc_no, report.staff_no, user.name, report.amount LEFT JOIN report on report.staff_no= user.staff_no FROM user WHERE status ='approve'
  13. Why ? preg_replace would work! you maybe better off using sockets instead of curl!
  14. change if(isset($todo) and $todo=="post"){ to if(isset($_POST['todo']) and $_POST['todo']=="post"){ also your form is missing quotes it should be like this <form name="form1" method="post" action="signupck.php" <input type="hidden" name="todo" etc etc
  15. Yes.. ie <a href="?do=this">do this</a><br><a href="?do=that">do that</a> <?php if(isset($_GET['do'])) { switch($_GET['do']) { case "this": echo "done this"; break; case "that": echo "done that"; break; } } ?> of course this and that will be the input.. to the database (the example is just the concept)
  16. will always be the host computer.. i'm not sure what the port referance will be (not something i have really used)
  17. On *nix try stty http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?stty Heres a class that uses it. [attachment deleted by admin]
  18. PHP serial extension AKA php_ser.dll is not supported on Linux.. your need to find another solution
  19. Yep.. seams good
  20. agree with Daukan, advice.. turn register globals off!
  21. personally, i do this <?php session_start(); $_SESSION['name'] = 'bob'; $_SESSION['time'] = time(); ?> read comments <?php // Use of session_register() is deprecated $barney = "A big purple dinosaur."; session_register("barney"); // Use of $_SESSION is preferred, as of PHP 4.1.0 $_SESSION["zim"] = "An invader from another planet."; // The old way was to use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["spongebob"] = "He's got square pants."; ?>
  22. No no thats to do with register_globals NOT sessions as a whole basically when you try to use $_SESSION['test'] before setting it, it would of pulled from the register_globals, but as from PHP versions 4.3+ it displays a security warning.. that option turns off that warning
  23. Nope sessions are note being removed.. it would be a dumb move i assume his confused with something else ie remove register globals (thank god) remove all magic_* and throw E_CORE_ERROR when set(thank god)
  24. i think your do something like this on *nix $temp = preg_split("/\s+/",exec("/sbin/ifconfig -a eth1 | /bin/grep HWaddr"), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $sku_machine['MAC_addr_eth1'] = $temp[4]; Keep in mind that MAC Address are no longer unique (they used to be) but they are now being re-used, also you can spoof a MAC address along with IP's etc
  25. Yes for security BUT cookies live longer (if set to do so).. sessions expire when you exit the site best bet is to read up see more info here http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.cookies.php http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php
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