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Posts posted by rpjd

  1. I have 10 cells in a table row withe this format

    echo "<tr><td>Cell1</td><td>Cell2</td><td>Cell3</td><td>Cell4</td><td>Counter1</td><td>Button1</td><td>Counter2</td><td>Button2</td><td>Counter3</td>Button3</tr>"";

    $LineNo= reset(array_keys($_POST['Button2']));

    gives me the line number of the button that was pressed.

    How do or can I using the array_keys insert something into Counter2 cell?

  2. Got the that working now thanks.  My next hurdle now is to create a link to that file and insert it into a table cell on the page. 

    The is the link

    $Link = "<a href='E:/wamp/www/Project/Changes/{$file}>{$Count['0']}</a>";

    This is what I have so far, how do I get the link into the cell?

    $doc = new DomDocument;
    $doc->validateOnParse = true;
    $Id = $doc->getElementById('Cell{$changes[LineNo']}');



  3. This is the updated code but I am getting Warning: fopen(E:/wamp/www/Project/Changes/3.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory.  The else statement is executing but the file isn't being created.

    $file = "E:/wamp/www/Project/Changes/".$LineNo.".txt";
    $handle = fopen($file,'a') or die("can't open file");
    fwrite($handle, $Username);
    $handle = fopen($file,'w') or die("can't open file");;
    fwrite($handle ,$Username);

  4. When one of the buttons is clicked, how do I submit the LineNo on the row a button is clicked? 

    echo "<tr><td name='LineNo[]>LineNo</td><td>Reference</td><td>Text</td><td><a href='filename.txt'>1</a></td><td>button1</td>
    <td><a href='filename.txt'>2</a></td><td>Button2</td><td><a href='filename.txt'>9</a></td><td>Button3</td></tr>";

    If I use onclick='submit('$LineNo['value']');' how do I access the LineNo using $_POST?

    $_POST['LineNo'] ?

  5. Each user type has a seperate counter and button.  Initially all counters are zero. 


    When a user (logged in) clicks the appropriate button for the first time, their Username and LineNo are inserted into a table for their user type.  The table is queried, counting the users grouped by the Line no which becomes the counter for the User Type, the username is then written to a txt file, the counter becoming a link to the txt file.  The result being like this:

    <tr><td>LineNo</td><td>Reference</td><td>Text</td><td><a href='filename.txt'>1</a></td><td>button1</td>
    <td><a href='filename.txt'>2</a></td><td>Button2</td><td><a href='filename.txt'>9</a></td><td>Button3</td></tr>

    As the counters are all initially 0, I need to create a link for the txt file including counter and insert it into the cell to replace the 0.  I assume javascript is required to insert link into cell.  Subsequent clicks by any user have no affect, no double-counting.

  6. Sorry I didn't explain properly what I am trying to do.

    I am writing a form table to a page with php.  This consists of an entry number (auto_increment), a reference number, text, and 3 buttons for different types of users.  Its akin to a voting system of sorts you might say.  If a user agrees with something, they click a certain button.  This increases a counter beside each button.  Avoiding double counting, once a user clicks a button, only one submission counts.  When the user clicks their button, I check which button was clicked using isset(), that determines the user type, I then check if the user has clicked previously, if yes, do nothing, if no, write the users name to a text file.  As I mentioned beside each button is a link to the text file showing the number of users name's in the file like this

    <a href='Filename.txt'>5</a>, showing 5 names in the file.  Clicking on the link will open the text file with the names.  I have a table for each user type into which I enter the line number (auto_increment) and the users name.  I then query the table, write to the txt file and update the counter on the page.

    So I need to submit the line number and user type.  The button name is the usertype and I want to pass the line number via the onclick function.  Hope that wasn't to big a mouthful!

  7. I have a button that increases a counter (which also a link to a file) beside it.

    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td name='".$cell1['value']."'>".$cell1['value']."</td><td name='".$cell2['value']."'><a href='file.php'>".$counter."</a><input type='button' name='buttonName' onclick='submit('.$cell1['value'].');'></td>
    <td name='".$cell2['value']."'><a href='file.php'>".$counter."</a><input type='button' name='buttonName' onclick='submit('.$cell1['value'].');'></td>";
    echo "</tr>";

    When one of the buttons is clicked I want to pass cell1value to the processing script.  Is this the correct way to do it?  And how do I access $cell1['value'] after submission? 

  8. I don't know if you have tested it or not, but all the files have their own table except for table1.  Even though the data seek is set to 0 and I start the table immediately after the first while.  I put a border on the table just to make sure.

    while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($Files)) 
          print "<table border='1'>";
          $current_file = $rows['File'];
          mysql_data_seek($Amendments, 0);
          while ($changes = mysql_fetch_array($Amendments))
                 if ($changes['File'] == $current_file) 
                   echo "<tr><td>$changes['File'] . "</td><td>" . $changes['Text'] . "</td></tr>";
          print "</table>";

  9. Trying to implement mysql_data_seek() but keep getting an infinite loop.  Not entirely sure I'm implementing it correctly mind u. 

    $row = array();

    while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($Files))


    $row[] = $rows;

                    for($x=0; $x<mysql_num_rows($Amendments); $x++)


                        if(mysql_data_seek($Amendments, $x))


            while($changes = mysql_fetch_array($Amendments))


          for($i=0; $i<count($row); $i++)


        if($rows['File'] = $row[$i])


    echo $changes['Reference'] . "</td><td>" . $changes['Text'];







  10. I got it printing both the file name and text, but its all in the one table.  I want to compare the file name in the first (outer) while loop to the file name in the second (inner) while loop and create a new table when the file name changes, but not having any luck figuring out how. 

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Files))


    echo "<table border='1'>";

    while($changes = mysql_fetch_array($Amendments))


          echo "<tr><td>" . $changes['Reference'] . "</td><td>" . $changes['Text'];


    echo "</table>";



  11. Nearly there if think.  I want to put the changes to each file into a seperate table, a table for each file.

    I have this:

    $AmendmentsQuery = "select File, Text from Changes  group by File order by File";
    $Amendments= mysql_query($AmendmentsQuery);
    $FilesQuery = "select distinct File from Changes order by File ASC";
    $Files= mysql_query($FilesQuery);
    $row = array();
    while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($Files)) 
    	$row[] = $rows;
    	while($changes = mysql_fetch_array($Amendments))
    		for($i=0; $i<count($row); $i++)
    			if($rows['File'] = $row[$i])
    				echo $changes['Reference'] . "</td><td>" . $changes['Text'];

    Instead of printing the file name it prints array, it prints the text .  If I use this

    while($refs = mysql_fetch_array($Reference)) 
    	$row[] = $rows;
    	while($changes = mysql_fetch_array($Amendments))
    		echo $changes['Reference'] . "</td><td>" . $changes['Text'];

    It prints both filename and text.  Can anyone explain why the code above won't print the file name? 

  12. I have 5 entries in a table

    $sql = "select count(distinct columnName) from table";
    $result = mysql_result($sql);
    $count = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    echo $count[0];

    The output is 5 as expected.

    $sql = "select distinct columnName from table";
    $result = mysql_result($sql);
    $count = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    echo $count[0];

    the ouput is the first file name as expected, however

    echo $count[1];

    gives undefined offset 1, which does not make any sense.

    Can anyone explain why the offset 1 is undefined if the count is 5?



  13. I thought a table could be sorted after an insert using a trigger.  A table like this (unsorted)

    File1    text changed

    File3    text changed

    File4    text changed

    File1    text changed

    File2    text changed

    File5    text changed

    File2    text changed

    File3    text changed

    I want to display grouped by and ordered by File like so in tables


    File1    text changed

    File1    text changed


    File2    text changed

    File2    text changed


    File3    text changed

    File3    text changed


    File4    text changed


    File5    text changed


    trying to figure out what queries I need to do this besides

    select (*) from table group by File order by File

    and how to nest them.  Other queries in conjunction I had in mind were

    select count(distinct File) from table


    select count(changes) from table group by File order by File

    When printing the result of the first query how to use either or both of the other query results?  Any help greatly appreciated.

  14. I want to create a sort trigger, group by and order by on a table after insert.  Should the trigger be of this nature

    create trigger triggername

    after insert on tablename

    for each row


    insert into table (column1, column2 ) values ( value1, value2) group by column1 order by column1




  15. To complicate things ever so slightly, when(if) I do get the javascript to run, as I said previously, the number of rows depends on the size of a variable array in $_POST so I need to convert the php array, say $var into a javascript array, iterate through it to insert the POST values into the new rows being created.  What I'm thinking is process the submission externally from the webpage, re-direct to the webpage, call the javascipt using onload, convert the processed $_POST elements to javascript variables, then create rows using a for loop iterator.  Is this viable?  If not, what would be a practical approach?

  16. The form on page 2 is created when the form on page 1 is submitted, theres no actual html code as such on page 2, and page 2 cannot be accessed unless the user is logged in and submits data from page 1.  The form on page 2 is of this nature.

    <form method='post' action='file.php'>
    <tr><td></td><td><textarea name='text[]'></textarea></td></tr>
    <tr><td colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='Submit'></td></tr>

    The form code on page 2 is written by php when page 1 is submitted.  So when the form on page 2 is processed, I need to call a javascript function to add one or more new rows to html tables on page 3.  How that is done is my question?

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