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: thats the problem!
Yes it does have an option in ACP. -All * -Reg -Mod But still its not working, Doesn't let the the guests view it. page here.
The above code is for a Blank Template mod for my forum. I'm using this for the link exchange. I asked on Phpbb the only thing mods do is lock topics on phpbbhacks(from where I downloaded) no reply. Its not letting guests to view page. does it need a SID which allows un logged in users to view it? thanks
Hello, Can one locate the bit where in the code below it says about permission to view. Actually its a phpbb mod for blank pages, and I cannot have guests view the page, even tho I allowed em in ACP. # #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # includes/page_header.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # $template->assign_vars(array( # #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # // BEGIN Blank Template MOD if( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS['added_pages_submit'] ) ) { redirect(append_sid("template.php?page=". intval( $HTTP_POST_VARS['added_pages']) )); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". ADD_PAGES_TABLE ." ORDER BY page_name"; if ( !$result = $db->sql_query($sql) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update private message new/read time for user', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $page_template = '<select name="added_pages"><option>'. $lang['Added_pages'] .'</option><option>-------------------</option>'; while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) { $page_template .= '<option value='. $row['page_id'] .'>'. $row['page_name'] .'</option>'; } $page_template .= '</select>'; // END Blank Template MOD # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # 'L_WHOSONLINE_MOD' => sprintf($lang['Mod_online_color'], '<span style="color:#' . $theme['fontcolor2'] . '">', '</span>'), # #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # 'L_SEE_PAGE' => $lang['See_page'], 'PAGE_TEMPLATE' => $page_template, # #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # viewonline.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # switch( $row['session_page'] ) # #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # // BEGIN Blank Template MOD if( $row['session_page'] < PAGE_TEMPLATE ) { $page_id = - ($row['session_page'] + PAGE_TEMPLATE); $sql_tpl = "SELECT page_name WHERE page_id = $page_id"; if ( !($result_tpl = $db->sql_query($sql_tpl)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain regd user/online information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } while( $rowtpl = $db->sql_fetchrow($result_tpl) ) { $location = $rowtpl['page_name']; $location_url = "template.$phpEx?page=$page_id"; } } // END Blank Template MOD # #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # admin/index.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # switch($onlinerow_reg[$i]['user_session_page']) # #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # // BEGIN Blank Template MOD if( $onlinerow_reg[$i]['user_session_page'] < PAGE_TEMPLATE ) { $page_id = - ($onlinerow_reg[$i]['user_session_page'] + PAGE_TEMPLATE); $sql_tpl = "SELECT page_name WHERE page_id = $page_id"; if ( !($result_tpl = $db->sql_query($sql_tpl)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain regd user/online information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } while( $rowtpl = $db->sql_fetchrow($result_tpl) ) { $location = $rowtpl['page_name']; $location_url = "template.$phpEx?page=$page_id"; } } // END Blank Template MOD # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # switch( $onlinerow_guest[$i]['session_page'] ) # #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # // BEGIN Blank Template MOD if( $onlinerow_guest[$i]['session_page'] < PAGE_TEMPLATE ) { $page_id = - ($onlinerow_guest[$i]['session_page'] + PAGE_TEMPLATE); $sql_tpl = "SELECT page_name WHERE page_id = $page_id"; if ( !($result_tpl = $db->sql_query($sql_tpl)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain regd user/online information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } while( $rowtpl = $db->sql_fetchrow($result_tpl) ) { $location = $rowtpl['page_name']; $location_url = "template.$phpEx?page=$page_id"; } } // END Blank Template MOD # #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # language/lang_english/lang_main.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # ?> # #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # // BEGIN Blank Template MOD $lang['No_page_exists'] = 'The page you requested does not exist.'; $lang['Not_auth'] = 'Sorry, but only %s can access this page.'; $lang['Users'] = 'Registered users'; $lang['Added_pages'] = ' Added pages '; $lang['See_page'] = 'See the page'; // END Blank Template MOD # #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # language/lang_english/lang_admin.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # ?> # #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # // BEGIN Blank Template MOD $lang['add_pages'] = 'Blank Template Pages Management'; $lang['add_pages_explain'] = 'This feature allows you to add blank template pages to your phpBB'; $lang['added_pages'] = 'Added pages'; $lang['add_pages_name'] = 'Pages Name'; $lang['edit_add_pages_explain'] = 'Here you can edit the pages you created'; $lang['edit_page'] = 'Edit page'; $lang['Page_name'] = 'Page name'; $lang['Page_content'] = 'Page content'; $lang['Page_content_explain'] = 'This is the content of the page that will be shown'; $lang['Page_auth'] = 'Access auth'; $lang['Page_auth_explain'] = 'This will define who can see the page'; $lang['Click_return_adminaddpages'] = 'Click %shere%s to go back to the Blank Template Pages Management'; $lang['Updated'] = 'The page has been successfully updated'; $lang['Added'] = 'The page has been successfully created'; $lang['Deleted'] = 'The page has been successfully deleted'; $lang['Add_page'] = 'Add a page'; // END Blank Template MOD # #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # includes/constants.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # define('PAGE_GROUPCP', -11); # #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # define('PAGE_TEMPLATE', -1045); # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # define('AUTH_ACCESS_TABLE', $table_prefix.'auth_access'); # #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ # define('ADD_PAGES_TABLE', $table_prefix.'add_pages');
I would request you to delete my post if you have any problem with it
Hello, I'm working on another website should be complete in a week or so www.funmasti.co.uk Comments?
Errr...is it possible to have a file with jokes, say 100 in it. and then have the jokes generated from it, new one each day?? ???
Hi, What I want is that in the jokes section of site, I want a jokes to appear daily (today's Joke) Whats the best way to do that. Would it be better if there is a link to Today's Joke & it pops up after clicking it, or its better that it takes you to the jokes page and displays it there.? Thanks in advance for any help. EG
I had done quite a bit of photoshopping in this, I had bought this template for $45.
Thanks, I have seen people talk about how quikcly they got their forum grow and all that. I suspect I am missing something? Any suggestion on more forums shall I add in it. Thanks
the code you gave (2nd time) is here Do i put the the first one bfore it. Its will then show contact in index, weird Im using DW8
can you please be more specfic?
Any specific one you can recommend? for this matter
thanks Im quite new with php so can you please help me, how would I fit in the code with this <span class="style22">Comments and suggestion are welcome, please [b]Contact Us[/b] and lets know what you think of Funmasti. </span><br> with contact us. thanks
Had just started over on one of my website Funcenter Commments?