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  1. Hi is it possible i can link of another page to an Iframe on another page? I tried using this code: target="index.php/main" Though no luck any ideas? ??? Thanks Flash!
  2. Great thanks m8!!
  3. Ok thanks i will do some reasearch. Though to save time has anyone got a tutorial or somthing? because i dont know exactly what im looking for? thanks again Flash
  4. Hi, Can someone help me with making some pop up menus? I am using Dreamweaver and Photoshop and have made my site, I have made a navigation bar based on the image rollover links. Though I would like it if when I hovered over the links a popup menu would come up with more links. Here is the site – www.sodtest.ultimate-mods.com any tutorials or advice would be great. Thanks a lot! Here is the code so far > <table width="832" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="200" background="images/bleft.png"></td> <td width="55" ><a href="home.php" target="main"><img src="images/home.png" hsrc="images/homer.png" border="0"></a></td> <td width="55" ><a href="home.php" target="main"><img src="images/server.png" width="55" height="24" border="0" hsrc="images/serverr.png"></a></td> <td width="55" height="24" ><a href="home.php" target="main"><img src="images/stats.png" width="55" height="24" border="0" hsrc="images/statsr.png"></a></td> <td width="85" height="24"><a href="home.php" target="main"><img src="images/ts.png" width="85" height="24" border="0" hsrc="images/tsr.png"></a></td> <td width="59" height="24"><a href="matches.php"><img src="images/about.png" hsrc="images/aboutr.png" border="0"></a></td> <td width="65" height="24"><a href="roster.htm" target="main"><img src="images/roster.png" hsrc="images/rosterr.png" border="0"></a></td> <td width="64" height="24"><a href="/forums/" target="main"><img src="images/forums.png" hsrc="images/forumsr.png" border="0"></a></td> <td width="47" height="24"><a href="join.php" target="main"><img src="images/join.png" hsrc="images/joinr.png" border="0"></a></td> <td width="85" height="24" ><a href="challenge.php" target="main"><img src="images/challenge.png" hsrc="images/challenger.png" border="0"></a></td> <td width="62" height="24" background="images/bright.png"></td> </table>
  5. Well what it is, i have a site up and running with forums and i do not want to remove these forums and start again since there is alot of posts that i dont want deleted. So i want to merge these forums with the rest of the site, what i mean by that is when you login on the home page your also loged in on forums ect. If you can help me out add me on msn : [email protected]
  6. Ahh ok thanks, nope havn't altered nothing.
  7. Hi, does any one now what the members table is called in the phpbb forums database? I really need to know because im trying to come up with a login script which i can intergrate on my home page. Checklogin.php <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username=""; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="test"; // Database name $tbl_name="dontknow"; // dont know what name of table is? Thanks Flash.
  8. Hi all, pretty new to all php though, is it possible i could create some kind of I frame for a content box? So that when i click on a link, the page from the link will appear in the content box e.g. forums. This would be a lot of help because at the my site looks rubbish. Take a look > www.sodsquad.co.uk :'( Thanks again Flash.
  9. Heres the site www.sodsquad.co.uk its not a portal though i would like to make it into a portal once i learn a bit more on programming. Do you know any portal programming tutorials? Also is there a way i could remove the login from the forums and just have it on the main site? Thanks again
  10. Hi all, i am looking for a way to merge my phbb forums into my php site. I have tried frames ect. though doesnt look very good. Does any body here know a good tutorial to embed phpbb forums into a php site? so it looks more like a portal. I know the phpnuke portal have done it some how? Thanks for your time
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