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Everything posted by oconkero

  1. OK here it is people, ive got a problem with the server. I dont know precisely as to which component its with... server configuration most likely. The problem is that i can output something on a page flush it with php to output that txt and then sleep and the output more text. and this script should do that, right? <?php echo("Sleeping for 3 seconds."); flush(); sleep(3); echo("Done."); ?> But it does not do what it is ment to do, it instead of doing piece by piece loads all at once, but it takes well in this case 3 seconds to load... like if i goto the page it will be blank for 3 seconds then all of the text just pops up at once. Well i hope this is enough info for you all, and thanks in advance people, i know this is a wierd one. -- "Human knowledge belongs to the world."
  2. $mailheaders = "From: $domain\n"; $mailheaders .= "Your account has been created.\n"; $mailheaders .= "Please activate your account now by visiting this page:\n"; $mailheaders .= "$base_dir/activation.php?key=$key\n"; $mailheaders .= "\n"; $mailheaders .= "Username: $_POST[username]\n"; $mailheaders .= "Password: $_POST[password]\n"; $date = date ("l, F jS, Y"); $time = date ("h:i A"); $to = "$_POST[email]"; $subject = "Please activate your account"; mail($to, $subject, $mailheaders, "From: No Reply <$adminemail>\n"); thats the code im using but... it still no worky... i do have a semi working smtp imap email server, but i dont need it do i?... im using php mail function, so msg me if i need to config anything... PS: using sendmail and squirrelmail, Thank you all
  3. Update: well i verified that phpbb3 beta 5 i think is not vuln to sql injections and it uses md5 password hashes with mysql... but sadly still no msn emails recieved. but i noticed if you copy the url after logging in it has the ?sid=dsguidfghusidghluahsufaishg <- random but you can open another window or IE and copy and paste, bam logged in... doesnt seam that secure to me ill take a look at phpBB2 see if it has the same vulnerability Update: hmm yes it seams to me after loggin in on phpBB3 b5 it create a sid varible and if some1 gets it while your logged in the too can use your account, but a new one is generated every time you login...
  4. Yeah ive been trying and trying scripts what i think im gonn do because all the scripts out there a litteraly garbage to me cuz i nede one with md5 or better password hashes that uses mysql that is Not vuln to sql injections and uses email verification by sending an activation link... so im just gonna install phpbb2 on my site and rip the login and registration and config pages and then change the format a bit. first step) see if imsn recieves emails from ppl that register with phpbb forums. maybe you guys could fdo this too... after all i know that phpbb is really really secure, it blockes sql injections for one. thanks for all your help guys and girls
  5. I have a php mail script that lets users register and then it emails the username and pass along with an activation url but thats besides the point... i know it works on my shaw provided email and as well and gmail but not msn... doesnt even show up in junk... i have tried scripts and scripts but none work, well one did help me make the email show up and non-junk when recieved by shaw so im getting there but still nothing in msn... heres the just of the code. $mailheaders = "From: $domain\n"; $mailheaders .= "Your account has been created.\n"; $mailheaders .= "Please activate your account now by visiting ...\n"; $mailheaders .= "\n"; $mailheaders .= "Username: $_POST[username]\n"; $mailheaders .= "Password: $_POST[password]"; $to = "$_POST[email]"; $subject = "Please activate your account"; $headers = "From: <$adminemail>\n"; mail($to, $subject, $mailheaders, $headers, "Reply-to: <$adminemail>");
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