$mailheaders = "From: $domain\n";
$mailheaders .= "Your account has been created.\n";
$mailheaders .= "Please activate your account now by visiting this page:\n";
$mailheaders .= "$base_dir/activation.php?key=$key\n";
$mailheaders .= "\n";
$mailheaders .= "Username: $_POST[username]\n";
$mailheaders .= "Password: $_POST[password]\n";
$date = date ("l, F jS, Y");
$time = date ("h:i A");
$to = "$_POST[email]";
$subject = "Please activate your account";
mail($to, $subject, $mailheaders, "From: No Reply <$adminemail>\n");
thats the code im using but... it still no worky... i do have a semi working smtp imap email server, but i dont need it do i?... im using php mail function, so msg me if i need to config anything...
PS: using sendmail and squirrelmail, Thank you all