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Everything posted by shaunrigby

  1. www.php.net sit there for an hour and look at functions such as sessions, includes, mysql_connect etc we are here to help you, not do it for you
  2. After all of that lol, please rem,ember to set your thread as resolved, TA
  3. Dude, Google is your friend
  4. you need to have session_start() at the beginning of every page that u want sessions enabled on
  5. madtech u dloadin mIRC?
  6. join #php-coding on irc.freenode.net
  7. dload it mirc.com
  8. do you both have an IRC client such as mIRC?
  9. What exactly are you trying to do?
  10. where does $Id come from?
  11. and all the pages that have errors on
  12. post your code?
  13. has it updated your tables tho?
  14. ad ; after the 2 echo's
  15. do you have session.autostart enabled in your php.ini?
  16. change your updates to: ("UPDATE `surv_member` D'OH!
  17. correct it to memberId so it would read $row['memberId'] your program is underlining that "$row" so it is telling you that the error is that (i think)
  18. what did u change?
  19. but you dnt have an `id` column in your db, it's memberid, have u tried it? did it return the same error?
  20. change row['id'] to $row['memberid']
  21. it goes off the page
  22. do you have <?php $server = "localhost"; // usually localhost $db_user = "username"; $db_pass = "password"; $database = "survtask"; mysql_connect($server, $db_user, $db_pass); ?> above it?
  23. try changing the field type to text
  24. try commenting out the second update statement and the or die beneath it, do you still get an error?
  25. no, or die is on the next line
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