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Everything posted by razta

  1. Hey thanks for the help and all, but is there any need to be patronising?
  2. Sorry, I was calculating the amount of entries, should have made that clearer. I think I will just let the table grow and see how it goes, if it becomes unmanageable then I will just delete it and start fresh and then look for a solution. Thank you very much for your thoughts and insight.
  3. Thanks, I think this may be a viable solution. I don't know much about how much space or processing power mysql needs to store or query data. But if I store every query; alpha = 26 numeric = 10 Total = 36 (not including special chars and converting all to lowercase) 36 to the power of 36 = 1.06387359 × 10^56 That's one massive table, does it really not matter that it could possibly get that big?
  4. Hi, I have a search engine on my PHP application and I want to store the top 50 searches. Now, If I store all query's then the table will get huge. If I limit the amount of query's to 50 and then count the recurring searches then any new query's that weren't in the original 50 won't be stored. Any ideas on how I might solve this problem? Thank you in advance. autonumber Search Count 1 wine 5 2 eggs 1 3 bacon 7
  5. Fantastic! Thank you very much. I had something like this in mind but wasn't sure quite how to organise it. Thanks again.
  6. Hello! I am building a web application and I'm not sure what the most efficient way of storing my data is. I have some experience with SQL however it seems obviously not enough. My table looks as follows: SELECT * FROM data; +----------+---------------------------+----------+------------------+------------------+ | id | name | tree | old_versions | latest_version | +----------+---------------------------+----------+------------------+------------------+ | 1 | MYSQL | CS | 1,1.1,1.2,1.3 | 1.5 | | 2 | PHP | 5.3 | 5.3.1,5.3.2 | 5.3.3 | | 3 | PHP | 5.2 | 5.2.1, 5.2.2 | 5.2.3 | | 4 | ASP | | | | +----------+---------------------------+----------+------------------+------------------+ Now what I want to do is add the release date to the 'old versions' and 'latest_version'. What's the best way to structure my database to do this? The data being output would be something like: LATEST: PHP 5.3 (released: 01/01/2010) PHP 5.3.1 (released: 01/01/2009) PHP 5.3.0 (released: 01/01/2008) Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.
  7. Something so simple yet fundamental. Thank you very much for your help!
  8. Hello, I am trying to match a regex and extract the data from the matched string that I want. I want to extract the Apache version only from the Apache website. So I am using the following raw sting to do the match: <li><a href="#apache22">2.2.15</a> (released 2010-03-06)</li> And the data I want from the above raw string is just the '2.2.15'. Here is the code related to this problem: // Match regex in grabbed HTML source preg_match('/<li><a\shref="#apache22">(\d\.\d\.\d?\d)<\/a>\s\(released\s\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\)<\/li>/', $grabPage, $regex_version); echo $regex_version[0]; I expected the above to output '2.2.15' instead it output '<li><a href="#apache22">2.2.15</a> (released 2010-03-06)</li>'. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  9. Finally got it working! It was a problem with file/folder permissions in the end, just had to chmod 777 the files/folders that the web app needed access to. A tip for anyone doing the same: Output the cron job results to a file for debugging, i.e. "* * * * * yourcommand > output.txt" Thank you all for your help!
  10. Hello all, Still having problems trying to get this to work. I created a user called 'cron' and give it root privs and a blank password. PHP under the user 'nodoby' creates the cron file and then tries to add it to the user cron's crontab. echo $scriptOutput = shell_exec('sudo crontab -u cron ' . $cronFile); The cron file is being made and with the correct formatting however it is not being added to the user cron's crontab. Any ideas? Thanks again!
  11. Thanks for the reply. I will try a couple of your options and see if I can get something working. I will leave this topic unsolved for now as I may have further questions. Thanks again!
  12. @abazoskib no joy with shell_exec() @thorpe Yes I do. Its a development machine I have on my network. Any idea what permissions Apache should have? Wouldn't giving it more permissions be a security issue? Thanks for your replys!
  13. Hello all, I have a PHP script which makes a cron file from user input. When i try to run the cron job via system() the job doesn't run, I suspect it has something to do with permissions. Any ideas on how I would go about getting this to work? Here is the system() call: echo $scriptOutput = system('crontab ' . $cronFile, $retval); Thank you in advance for your help.
  14. Thanks for the replys. I will have a look into buffering and see if that fixes my problem. Another quick question I have is would it be possible to send a command to a shell and then disconnect it from PHP? When I currently run a command my PHP page continualy loads until the command has finished, is there a way jut to send the command and not have PHP continuesly loading? Thanks again!
  15. What was the error?
  16. Try: mysql_query("UPDATE players SET Password = '$Newp' WHERE Name = '$fname';"); Note the ;
  17. Looks like it should work to me, give it a try.
  18. Try commenting out: $filename = str_replace(" ","",$file); So it should look: // $filename = str_replace(" ","",$file); See if that works.
  19. Can you not check and see if $_POSt["fname"] is in ChangePass.php?
  20. Hi, Currently I am echoing the output of a system() call after the command has terminated, is there any way for PHP to echo the output in real time rather than wait for the command to finish? Here is what I am currently using: echo '<pre>'; $scriptOutput = system($command, $retval); echo '</pre>'; Thank you in advance.
  21. Works great!! Thanks to everyone for the help!
  22. Thank you for the reply roopurt18. I think im on the right track however theres still something im missing. function Guestbook(){ $query = "SELECT name, comment FROM guestbook"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ $name = $row[0]; $comment = $row[1]; } return "<b>Name</b> : {$name} <br>" . "<b>Message</b> : {$comment} <br><br>"; } Should I also stick the return in a loop?! Thanks again!
  23. Hello, Im having a little trouble with the following: function Guestbook(){ $query = "SELECT name, comment FROM guestbook"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ return "<b>Name</b> : {$row['name']} <br>" . "<b>Message</b> : {$row['comment']} <br><br>"; } } When I call the Guestbook() function it only returns one comment and omits the rest. I have been playing with the code for hours, im sure theres a simple solution. Thanks in advance!
  24. Hello, Im wanting to read a text file and then return the output in a loop until the EOF is reached. Here is the text file in question (PHPIDS log file): "local/unknown",2009-08-04T13:10:58+01:00,52,"xss csrf id rfe lfi sqli","REQUEST.name=%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%27xss%27%29%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E GET.name=%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%27xss%27%29%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E","%2Fdvwa%2Fvulnerabilities%2Fxss%2F%3Fname%3D%253Cscript%253Ealert%2528%2527xss%2527%2529%253B%253C%252Fscript%253E","" "local/unknown",2009-08-04T13:35:24+01:00,12,"sqli id lfi","REQUEST.name=%27 GET.name=%27","%2Fdvwa%2Fvulnerabilities%2Fxss%2F%3Fname%3D%2527","" And here is where I have got up to so far: function readLog(){ $Lines = file(PHPIDS_LOG.txt); $LineCount = count($Lines); $Data = array(); $i = 0; // Loop through each line foreach($Lines as $Value) { $Data[$i] = explode(",", $Value); // Increase the line index $i++; } return $Data[0][1]; } What im struggleing with is returning the $Data variable within a loop. Here is an example of how I wish the output to look: Unknown: local/unknown Date: 2009-08-04 Time: 13:10:58+01:00 [...] <hr> Unknown: local/unknown Date: 2009-08-04 Time: 13:10:58+01:00 [...] Thanks in advance.
  25. Hello, Im trying to implement a Cross Site Request Forgery example into an open source project called Damn Vulnerable Web App. I am trying to implement a page that is vulnerable to CSRF that allows the admin to change his password. if (isset($_GET['Login'])) { // Admin login form $pass = $_GET['password']; $pass = mysql_real_escape_string($pass); $pass = md5($pass); $qry="SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE user='admin' AND password='$pass';"; $result=mysql_query($qry) or die('<pre>' . mysql_error() . '</pre>' ); if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) == 1){ // Login Successful $html .= ' <br><hr><br> Welcome to the password protected area admin. <br><br><br> <h3>Change your password:</h3> <br> <form action="#" method="GET"> New password:<br> <input type="password" AUTOCOMPLETE="off" name="password_new"><br> Confirm new password: <br> <input type="password" AUTOCOMPLETE="off" name="password_conf"> <br> <input type="submit" value="Change" name="Change"> </form>'; if (isset($_GET['Change'])) { // Change password $pass_new = $_GET['password_new']; $pass_conf = $_GET['password_conf']; if ($pass_new == $pass_conf){ $pass_new = mysql_real_escape_string($pass_new); $pass_new = md5($pass_new); $insert="UPDATE `users` SET password = '$pass_new' WHERE user = 'admin';"; $result=mysql_query($insert) or die('<pre>' . mysql_error() . '</pre>' ); $html .= "<pre> Password Changed </pre>"; mysql_close(); } else{ $html .= "<pre> Passwords did not match. </pre>"; } } } else{ //Login failed $html .= "<pre><br>Password incorrect.</pre>"; mysql_close(); } } The problem being that when the 'Change' form is submitted the form reverts back to the admin login rather than displaying the $html variables. Thank you in advance, Ryan
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