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Everything posted by Progr@mmer

  1. you have to add the sets ID to the array $excluded_sets you are welcome <?php // Make an array of the sets you want to exclude $excluded_sets = Array ( '1', '2','3' ); require_once("./includes/phpflickr/phpFlickr.php"); $f = new phpFlickr("MY API KEY"); $photosets = $f->photosets_getList('MY FLICKR USER'); if(!empty($photosets)){ foreach ($photosets['photoset'] as $set) { $setid = $set[id]; if ( in_array($setid, $excluded_sets) ) continue; $photosSetInfo = $f->photosets_getInfo($setid); $heading = $photosSetInfo['title']; $photos = $f->photosets_getPhotos($setid, NULL, 2); $html = "<li class='accordion_toggle_container'><a href='#' class='accordion_toggle'>".$heading."</a></li> \n <li class='accordion_content'> \n <ol class='photos'> \n"; // Get the friendly URL of the user's photos $person = $f->people_findByUsername($user_id); $photos_url = $f->urls_getUserPhotos($person['id']); foreach ($photos['photo'] as $photo) { $html .= "<li class='photo'>$photodate1<a href='".$f->buildPhotoURL($photo, "medium")."' class='lightview' rel='gallery[".$heading."]'><img alt='$photo[title]' src='".$f->buildPhotoURL($photo, "Square")."'/></a></li> \n"; } echo $html; echo "</ol>\n </li>\n"; } } ?>
  2. you need more than a function :-\
  3. it's good mod to make the forum more orginaized
  4. closing the web browser will end the session
  5. you can story the category data in a flate php file. as array or string. or in Database if it's static. but if you want it more flixibl then you have to open the test.html and fetch the HTML code to get your data, but this is stupid idea
  6. you can use fopen function
  7. That is how it should be. <?php require_once("./includes/phpflickr/phpFlickr.php"); $f = new phpFlickr("MY API KEY"); $photosets = $f->photosets_getList('MY FLICKR USER'); if(!empty($photosets)){ foreach ($photosets['photoset'] as $set) { $setid = $set[id]; if ( $setid == '72157605601956344' ) continue; $photosSetInfo = $f->photosets_getInfo($setid); $heading = $photosSetInfo['title']; $photos = $f->photosets_getPhotos($setid, NULL, 2); $html = "<li class='accordion_toggle_container'><a href='#' class='accordion_toggle'>".$heading."</a></li> \n <li class='accordion_content'> \n <ol class='photos'> \n"; // Get the friendly URL of the user's photos $person = $f->people_findByUsername($user_id); $photos_url = $f->urls_getUserPhotos($person['id']); foreach ($photos['photo'] as $photo) { $html .= "<li class='photo'>$photodate1<a href='".$f->buildPhotoURL($photo, "medium")."' class='lightview' rel='gallery[".$heading."]'><img alt='$photo[title]' src='".$f->buildPhotoURL($photo, "Square")."'/></a></li> \n"; } echo $html; echo "</ol>\n </li>\n"; } } ?>
  8. Hello muneef when you Show the links make it like : hxxp://www.muneefhameed.com/articles/how-to-make-that.html in in the index.php file do a query by the title instead of the id it's simple
  9. how could we passing mod security ? we need to know how, so we can secure our server. how could hacker execute thier SQL Injection command via GET & POST request ?
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