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  1. Ack, sorry for the double post. I read this topic: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,146784.0.html And that told me what I was doing wrong. My new question is; is there any way I can make it work without using PERFECT syntax? Many codes are not done perfectly and thus they do not work on my server, whereas they did on my old server hosted by a professional company. How can I change this?
  2. After ages of messing around trying to sort out the path variable, I managed to get the PHP .MSI installer to work on my Apache 2.0.59 server. The PHP I refer to is 5.2.3. It now loads PHP files perfectly well, but for some reason it cannot do any PHP operations. For instance: Hello world! This loads perfectly, despite having a PHP extension. The text 'Hello world!' appears in my browser. <?PHP $variable = Tom echo "Oh, hello, $variable." ?> This simply gives me a big white screen. Any help? Anybody know why this is happening?
  3. Hello? Please respond!
  4. ...needed. If someone can give me a VERY basic one, I'll spruce it up a bit. I need this quite soon - plus analysing it will help me learn. NO DATABASES.
  5. Imagine IPB, then remove the useless features (calendar, etc) and then remove the need for a mySQL database. What's the closest flat-file alternative to Invision Power Board I can get?
  6. ...umm... any more help?
  7. I don't mean a server you connect to through a router or whatever, I mean the website's host. The server they use.
  8. It's not dependent on your computer, it's dependent on the server you're running it on.
  9. Post the current code please.
  10. I'm an intermediate web-designer, and as I'm in my mid-teens I'd like to begin learning a few coding languages. I've been told PHP is very good, and so I decided to learn it. I'm still very novice at it, but I'm hoping to 'climb the ladder'. Now what I seek is advice; Will a PHP certification (such as the Zend Engineer Certification) help me in my career? If so, how long does it take to study for it? Thanks -C.W
  11. Feelin' a little hostile, buddy? I used google actually - but anyway, thanks for the referral.
  12. I'm not asking for someone to code it for me, I'm asking for either help in coding it or a referral to a news system which does what I've asked for.
  13. I actually posted in that topic asking for a flat-file version. I have no access to a mySQL database.
  14. ...I need a very, very basic bulletin board script built, preferably using flat files, for a school project. I have no access to a mySQL database (without paying a lot more for my server annually) so as I said, flat files are preferable. I don't even need a log in or registration. All I'd like is a flat-file based system which allows a user to post - all it requires is 'name', 'email address' and 'subject'. It'd be sort of like a comment system, but with a customisable layout so I can make it look slightly more like a message board. They're the basics. It'd be even better if users could post topics, but I may be pushing my luck here. If this isn't possible, then please just make it a list of messages. I would research this and code my own, but I need this quite urgently and it could take me quite a long time, so I won't. Thank you in advance! -C.W
  15. THE WHOLE THING: <form action="action.php" method="POST"> <div align="center"> <p>Choose your attack from the drop-down menu.<br> <select name="weapon" id="weapon"> <option value="sword">Sword (5-10 Damage)</option> <option value="bow">Bow + Arrow (0-20 Damage)</option> </select> <br> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Play Round"> </p> </div> </form> <?PHP $manhealth = 100; $dragonhealth = 100; echo "Your Health = $manhealth"; echo "Dragon's Health = $dragonhealth"; $attack = $_POST['attack']; if($attack == "bow") { echo "$attack" //do whatever you want to do }; elseif($attack == "sword") { // do whatever you want to do } else { //throw an error because you got here without using other page or the post got lost } ?> </center>
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