...I need a very, very basic bulletin board script built, preferably using flat files, for a school project. I have no access to a mySQL database (without paying a lot more for my server annually) so as I said, flat files are preferable.
I don't even need a log in or registration.
All I'd like is a flat-file based system which allows a user to post - all it requires is 'name', 'email address' and 'subject'. It'd be sort of like a comment system, but with a customisable layout so I can make it look slightly more like a message board. They're the basics.
It'd be even better if users could post topics, but I may be pushing my luck here. If this isn't possible, then please just make it a list of messages.
I would research this and code my own, but I need this quite urgently and it could take me quite a long time, so I won't.
Thank you in advance!