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  1. I've tested this php form and it sends the e-mails its supposed to. But its giving an 500 internal error. I called Godaddy and they said theres something wrong with the feedback.php code, but I'm stumped. Attached is the file. [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. its been fixed. a friend whos good in php fixed it. thanks you!
  3. Ive got a form that is sending a really odd email. files are attached. [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. I have a form but there are two issues with it. the first is, once you select a county it says error on page on the bottom left of the page. the second is once you submit the form, it shows what you submitted ( which its supposed to ) but never sends the e-mail. attached are the files. Any and all help appriciated! [attachment deleted by admin]
  5. I have a file that was created by one of phpfreaks users, great person, but I can't get ahold of the person right now. He made me a contact form to my specifications but two things are missing. 1. When I select a county it says error on page in the bottom left part of the page. 2. When I send an e-mail it shows what was sent on the confirmation page but never sends the e-mail. There are two files attached. [attachment deleted by admin]
  6. I just checked my code and didn't see any 'seller' in it
  7. sorry, it gives me a blank page. but what you just said confuses me.
  8. it won't send the email to the address, it just shows a blank page
  9. odd.... okay one more time.... here are my files. [attachment deleted by admin]
  10. Hi I uploaded the wrong file. heres the correct one... [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. I have a contact form but I'm stuck. I want it to when you click the submit button to send the results to 1 e-mail address, then after that, a page that says your info has been submitted thank you. attached is a txt file of the code. [attachment deleted by admin]
  12. Thank you.... I dont quite fully understand but Ill do my best.
  13. I put <form name="CornerstoneForm" method="POST" action="mailto:[email protected]"> in place of the old code. but when I click submit it just reloads the page. ( the button has the pages url as its value somehow.
  14. Can I take out the form name part and will it work?
  15. Okay here is the entire file. [attachment deleted by admin]
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