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Posts posted by sirdavidoff

  1. Hi frost110 - you're right, it sounds like a PHP memory limit problem and indeed the default memory_limit for my version of PHP (4.4.4) is 16MB.


    However, I have tried increasing this and it doesn't seem to make any difference. It is interesting to note that the memory_limit variable does not appear in phpInfo() - does this mean that there is no limit set by PHP?


    Thanks for your help  :)

  2. Hi guys,


    I have a mysql database, in which I want to store some files as longblobs. I'm using PEAR to connect to the DB. So far so good... until the files get over 16MB; the server takes ages to do the query and finally breaks without actually performing it.


    I'm reading in the file to a variable in memory and outputting that variable in the SQL statement, e.g.

    "INSERT INTO table VALUES('$fileContents');"


    What's weird (and what makes me think it's not a max_allowed_packet problem) is that if I use MySQL's LOAD_FILE() function it works fine:

    "INSERT INTO table VALUES(LOAD_FILE('$pathToFile'));"


    Any ideas?



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