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  1. Yeah thats what i need because i have a slow server and stuff gets messed up with the ports if over 100 people go onto the same port
  2. ~ 5 seconds http://www.daily-sudoku.org/ ~3 seconds http://www.daily-sudoku.org/sudoku/tournament.php?t_id=6 ~3 seconds http://www.daily-sudoku.org/sudoku/monster.php?t_id=2 Christchurch New Zealand
  3. web_noob


    Ok is it possible to make a php script that made each user goto a different webserver port on the computer well not each user but yeah you get what i mean ALSO:how would i start of making a email server using smtp and pop that works on the internet NOT local
  4. ok i have a php script i want it to send the form data to a email address i try the html form post method but every time it opens outlook express and in the text field where you type the message its has the form data i make it post the form data by mailto:[email protected] or what ever i think i need a mail script that the php form sends it to the script i cant remember does anyone have a mail script thing that i can use and can you make it send all the form data to the email address [email protected] Thanks
  5. Hi i am running IIS 5.1 with No-ip Dynamic DNS service and i have 4 Dynamic DNS's Free ones winweb.hopto.org winmailer.hopto.org himw.no-ip.biz and 1 paid one www.winmastergames.com and none of them work i am not to shure whats wrong IIS is on port 80 and running php as well it all looks ok buy no-ip doesnt work for some reason i also have a router its port forwarded port 80 to the IIS servers IP address is there something alse you have to do and i also turned off the firewall but still doesnt work is there something wrong please help me with the problem thanks
  6. Hi i am making a form but every time it trys to send it it has to send it through outlook i wont the page to send it by its self without it coming up about outlook and stuff or is there a way i can send it to a text file if so is there a good tut for it thanks
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