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About darklight

  • Birthday 06/10/1900

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  1. I keep getting this error, I been trying to fix it for like 24 hours now. I really can't seem to do it. $sql = "INSERT INTO `chat` VALUES('','$message','".time()."','$id')"; mysql_query($sql); } $sql = "SELECT `Text` FROM `chat` WHERE `chatid`='$id' ORDER BY `Id` DESC"; $result = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo($row['Text']."<br>"); } Line 42: while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
  2. There were SOME changes to it, I found a list of changes after about an hour of searching Google >_< I should be able to fix my scripts now.
  3. yes, But I want to start converting to PHP6.
  4. My projects have broke due to syntax change. Are there any guides to PHP 6?
  5. I did, I've downloaded and installed it. It installed blogging software... I guess I will try to use CakePHP since no one seems to understand what I'm asking...even if it's something simple I'm asking. o_O
  6. -.- What PHP/AJAX framework would you recommend that's a non-blog type of framework. Something that can make the PHP source file smaller. Like, make a link with $html->link("link here"); I really don't know what to ask.
  7. You may wanna also add this to the form. http://www.codewalkers.com/c/a/Miscellaneous/Creating-a-CAPTCHA-with-PHP/
  8. Ok, what framework would you recommend? Just forget everything else I said.
  9. Looks like that's for Blogging.
  10. Just something to get the job done faster. I needs to have AJAX though.
  11. I'm looking for a PHP Framework, one that supports AJAX. I will be using it to create my PHP text style game. I'm just looking for something simple, something to help me get it done faster. I was looking at CakePHP, but their are so many frameworks that I don't know what one to go with. Let's make this easy, what one would you choose for making a PHP game? I also need it so I can upload it to my host, so it can't be a local framework.
  12. I seem to be having trouble doing that. Look at the screen shot below.
  13. Don't seem to work right...And whats with the ' things?
  14. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $string = stripslashes($string); } $string = mysql_real_escape_string($string); $string = strip_tags($string); $string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES); $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; return $string; I'm still able to do injects it seems...
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