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Posts posted by Tmic

  1. THX mtoynbee


    It works except for the last line like you said.


    I did it like I normally do


    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

    $max = $row[\'max(nr)\'];



    But I still think there must be a better way as there is only one result with max.

  2. Sorry for not being very clear.


    When I do the following:


    select max(nr) from table_test;


    in mysql (via dosprompt) I get the result (f.i. 9)


    now I try to do the same in php and normally I would do something like this:


    $select = \"select nr from table_test\";

    $result = mysql_query($select);


    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

    echo $row[\'nr\'];



    but now its not nr but max(nr) but when I change all \'nr\' to \'max(nr)\' it doensnt seem to work.


    I would like to now how I can get the value of max(nr) into a php variable. I think there is an easy way to do this but I\'m not seeing it.

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