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Everything posted by garnett3

  1. it uploaded the file successfully w/ no error message...but i havent received the notification...all i changed in the code you sent was the "[email protected]" to my email
  2. it shot me back an error for that line
  3. Here's the class file.... class file_upload { var $the_file; var $the_temp_file; var $upload_dir; var $replace; var $do_filename_check; var $max_length_filename = 100; var $extensions; var $ext_string; var $language; var $http_error; var $rename_file; // if this var is true the file copy get a new name var $file_copy; // the new name var $message = array(); var $create_directory = true; function file_upload() { $this->language = "en"; // choice of en, nl, es $this->rename_file = false; $this->ext_string = ""; } function show_error_string() { $msg_string = ""; foreach ($this->message as $value) { $msg_string .= $value."<br />\n"; } return $msg_string; } function set_file_name($new_name = "") { // this "conversion" is used for unique/new filenames if ($this->rename_file) { if ($this->the_file == "") return; $name = ($new_name == "") ? strtotime("now") : $new_name; sleep(3); $name = $name.$this->get_extension($this->the_file); } else { $name = str_replace(" ", "_", $this->the_file); // space will result in problems on linux systems } return $name; } function upload($to_name = "") { $new_name = $this->set_file_name($to_name); if ($this->check_file_name($new_name)) { if ($this->validateExtension()) { if (is_uploaded_file($this->the_temp_file)) { $this->file_copy = $new_name; if ($this->move_upload($this->the_temp_file, $this->file_copy)) { $this->message[] = $this->error_text($this->http_error); if ($this->rename_file) $this->message[] = $this->error_text(16); return true; } } else { $this->message[] = $this->error_text($this->http_error); return false; } } else { $this->show_extensions(); $this->message[] = $this->error_text(11); return false; } } else { return false; } } function check_file_name($the_name) { if ($the_name != "") { if (strlen($the_name) > $this->max_length_filename) { $this->message[] = $this->error_text(13); return false; } else { if ($this->do_filename_check == "y") { if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9_]*\.(.){1,5}$/i", $the_name)) { return true; } else { $this->message[] = $this->error_text(12); return false; } } else { return true; } } } else { $this->message[] = $this->error_text(10); return false; } } function get_extension($from_file) { $ext = strtolower(strrchr($from_file,".")); return $ext; } function validateExtension() { $extension = $this->get_extension($this->the_file); $ext_array = $this->extensions; if (in_array($extension, $ext_array)) { // check mime type hier too against allowed/restricted mime types (boolean check mimetype) return true; } else { return false; } } // this method is only used for detailed error reporting function show_extensions() { $this->ext_string = implode(" ", $this->extensions); } function move_upload($tmp_file, $new_file) { if ($this->existing_file($new_file)) { $newfile = $this->upload_dir.$new_file; if ($this->check_dir($this->upload_dir)) { if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_file, $newfile)) { umask(0); chmod($newfile , 0644); return true; } else { return false; } } else { $this->message[] = $this->error_text(14); return false; } } else { $this->message[] = $this->error_text(15); return false; } } function check_dir($directory) { if (!is_dir($directory)) { if ($this->create_directory) { umask(0); mkdir($directory, 0777); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } function existing_file($file_name) { if ($this->replace == "y") { return true; } else { if (file_exists($this->upload_dir.$file_name)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } function get_uploaded_file_info($name) { $str = "File name: ".basename($name)."\n"; $str .= "File size: ".filesize($name)." bytes\n"; if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) { $str .= "Mime type: ".mime_content_type($name)."\n"; } if ($img_dim = getimagesize($name)) { $str .= "Image dimensions: x = ".$img_dim[0]."px, y = ".$img_dim[1]."px\n"; } return $str; } // this method was first located inside the foto_upload extension function del_temp_file($file) { $delete = @unlink($file); clearstatcache(); if (@file_exists($file)) { $filesys = eregi_replace("/","\\",$file); $delete = @system("del $filesys"); clearstatcache(); if (@file_exists($file)) { $delete = @chmod ($file, 0644); $delete = @unlink($file); $delete = @system("del $filesys"); } } } // this function creates a file field and if $show_alternate is true it will show a text field if the given file already exists // there is also a submit button to remove the text field value function create_file_field($element, $label = "", $length = 25, $show_replace = true, $replace_label = "Replace old file?", $file_path = "", $file_name = "", $show_alternate = false, $alt_length = 30, $alt_btn_label = "Delete image") { $field = ($label != "") ? "<label>".$label."</label>\n" : ""; $file_field = "<input type=\"file\" name=\"".$element."\" size=\"".$length."\" />\n"; $file_field .= ($show_replace) ? "<span>".$replace_label."</span><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"replace\" value=\"y\" />" : ""; if ($file_name != "" && $show_alternate) { $field .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"".$element."\" size=\"".$alt_length."\" value=\"".$file_name."\" readonly=\"readonly\""; $field .= (!@file_exists($file_path.$file_name)) ? " title=\"".sprintf($this->error_text(17), $file_name)."\" />\n" : " />\n"; $field .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"del_img\" value=\"y\" /><span>".$alt_btn_label."</span>\n"; } else { $field .= $file_field; } return $field; } // some error (HTTP)reporting, change the messages or remove options if you like. function error_text($err_num) { switch ($this->language) { case "nl": $error[0] = "Foto succesvol kopieert."; $error[1] = "Het bestand is te groot, controlleer de max. toegelaten bestandsgrootte."; $error[2] = "Het bestand is te groot, controlleer de max. toegelaten bestandsgrootte."; $error[3] = "Fout bij het uploaden, probeer het nog een keer."; $error[4] = "Fout bij het uploaden, probeer het nog een keer."; $error[10] = "Selecteer een bestand."; $error[11] = "Het zijn alleen bestanden van dit type toegestaan: <b>".$this->ext_string."</b>"; $error[12] = "Sorry, de bestandsnaam bevat tekens die niet zijn toegestaan. Gebruik alleen nummer, letters en het underscore teken. <br>Een geldige naam eindigt met een punt en de extensie."; $error[13] = "De bestandsnaam is te lang, het maximum is: ".$this->max_length_filename." teken."; $error[14] = "Sorry, het opgegeven directory bestaat niet!"; $error[15] = "Uploading <b>".$this->the_file."...Fout!</b> Sorry, er is al een bestand met deze naam aanwezig."; $error[16] = "Het gekopieerde bestand is hernoemd naar <b>".$this->file_copy."</b>."; $error[17] = "Het bestand %s bestaat niet."; break; case "de": $error[0] = "Die Datei: <b>".$this->the_file."</b> wurde hochgeladen!"; $error[1] = "Die hochzuladende Datei ist größer als der Wert in der Server-Konfiguration!"; $error[2] = "Die hochzuladende Datei ist größer als der Wert in der Klassen-Konfiguration!"; $error[3] = "Die hochzuladende Datei wurde nur teilweise übertragen"; $error[4] = "Es wurde keine Datei hochgeladen"; $error[10] = "Wählen Sie eine Datei aus!."; $error[11] = "Es sind nur Dateien mit folgenden Endungen erlaubt: <b>".$this->ext_string."</b>"; $error[12] = "Der Dateiname enthält ungültige Zeichen. Benutzen Sie nur alphanumerische Zeichen für den Dateinamen mit Unterstrich. <br>Ein gültiger Dateiname endet mit einem Punkt, gefolgt von der Endung."; $error[13] = "Der Dateiname überschreitet die maximale Anzahl von ".$this->max_length_filename." Zeichen."; $error[14] = "Das Upload-Verzeichnis existiert nicht!"; $error[15] = "Upload <b>".$this->the_file."...Fehler!</b> Eine Datei mit gleichem Dateinamen existiert bereits."; $error[16] = "Die hochgeladene Datei ist umbenannt in <b>".$this->file_copy."</b>."; $error[17] = "Die Datei %s existiert nicht."; break; // // place here the translations (if you need) from the directory "add_translations" // default: // start http errors $error[0] = "File: <b>".$this->the_file."</b> successfully uploaded!"; $error[1] = "The uploaded file exceeds the max. upload filesize directive in the server configuration."; $error[2] = "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the html form."; $error[3] = "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"; $error[4] = "No file was uploaded"; // end http errors $error[10] = "Please select a file for upload."; $error[11] = "Only files with the following extensions are allowed: <b>".$this->ext_string."</b>"; $error[12] = "Sorry, the filename contains invalid characters. Use only alphanumerical chars and separate parts of the name (if needed) with an underscore. <br>A valid filename ends with one dot followed by the extension."; $error[13] = "The filename exceeds the maximum length of ".$this->max_length_filename." characters."; $error[14] = "Sorry, the upload directory doesn't exist!"; $error[15] = "Uploading <b>".$this->the_file."...Error!</b> Sorry, a file with this name already exitst."; $error[16] = "The uploaded file is renamed to <b>".$this->file_copy."</b>."; $error[17] = "The file %s does not exist."; } return $error[$err_num]; } } ?>
  4. heres whats in the upload page include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/classes/upload/upload_class.php"); //classes is the map where the class file is stored (one above the root) //error_reporting(E_ALL); $max_size = 100000000024*100; // the max. size for uploading class muli_files extends file_upload { var $number_of_files = 0; var $names_array; var $tmp_names_array; var $error_array; var $wrong_extensions = 0; var $bad_filenames = 0; function extra_text($msg_num) { switch ($this->language) { case "de": // add you translations here break; default: $extra_msg[1] = "Error for: <b>".$this->the_file."</b>"; $extra_msg[2] = "You have tried to upload ".$this->wrong_extensions." files with a bad extension, the following extensions are allowed: <b>".$this->ext_string."</b>"; $extra_msg[3] = "Select at least on file."; $extra_msg[4] = "Select the file(s) for upload."; $extra_msg[5] = "You have tried to upload <b>".$this->bad_filenames." files</b> with invalid characters inside the filename."; } return $extra_msg[$msg_num]; } // this method checkes the number of files for upload // this example works with one or more files function count_files() { foreach ($this->names_array as $test) { if ($test != "") { $this->number_of_files++; } } if ($this->number_of_files > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function upload_multi_files () { $this->message = ""; if ($this->count_files()) { foreach ($this->names_array as $key => $value) { if ($value != "") { $this->the_file = $value; $new_name = $this->set_file_name(); if ($this->check_file_name($new_name)) { if ($this->validateExtension()) { $this->file_copy = $new_name; $this->the_temp_file = $this->tmp_names_array[$key]; if (is_uploaded_file($this->the_temp_file)) { if ($this->move_upload($this->the_temp_file, $this->file_copy)) { $this->message[] = $this->error_text($this->error_array[$key]); if ($this->rename_file) $this->message[] = $this->error_text(16); sleep(1); // wait a seconds to get an new timestamp (if rename is set) } } else { $this->message[] = $this->extra_text(1); $this->message[] = $this->error_text($this->error_array[$key]); } } else { $this->wrong_extensions++; } } else { $this->bad_filenames++; } } } if ($this->bad_filenames > 0) $this->message[] = $this->extra_text(5); if ($this->wrong_extensions > 0) { $this->show_extensions(); $this->message[] = $this->extra_text(2); } } else { $this->message[] = $this->extra_text(3); } } } $multi_upload = new muli_files; $multi_upload->upload_dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/upload/"; // "files" is the folder for the uploaded files (you have to create this folder) $multi_upload->extensions = array(".jpg", ".png", ".html", ".htm", ".gif", ".zip", ".tar.gz", ".shtml", ".php", ".txt", ".doc"); // specify the allowed extensions here $multi_upload->message[] = $multi_upload->extra_text(4); // a different standard message for multiple files //$multi_upload->rename_file = true; // set to "true" if you want to rename all files with a timestamp value $multi_upload->do_filename_check = "y"; // check filename ... if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $multi_upload->tmp_names_array = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']; $multi_upload->names_array = $_FILES['upload']['name']; $multi_upload->error_array = $_FILES['upload']['error']; $multi_upload->replace = (isset($_POST['replace'])) ? $_POST['replace'] : "n"; // because only a checked checkboxes is true $multi_upload->upload_multi_files(); } ?> <form name="form1" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo $max_size; ?>"> <label for="upload[]">File 1:</label> <input type="file" name="upload[]" size="30"><br> <label for="upload[]">File 2:</label> <input type="file" name="upload[]" size="30"><br> <label for="upload[]">File 3:</label> <input type="file" name="upload[]" size="30"><br> <!-- Add here more file fields if you need. --> Replace files? <input type="checkbox" name="replace" value="y"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </form> <p><?php echo $multi_upload->show_error_string(); ?></p>
  5. I have a PHP script I am running for a client. He uses it to allow his clients to login and upload. I need to set it up so he can receive an email every time someone uploads something to the FTP server (via the website). I dont know how to do it!
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