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Everything posted by Lamez

  1. Okay before I continue any further, what do you think of this current design. It is not complete, but before I put a lot of time and effort into it I want to make sure it is worth finishing. http://phchurch.net/index.html If it looks like a good idea so far, the content and right box will need color\graphics, do something with the navigation and change the header and footer to different color\gradient\graphic.
  2. Thanks for the advice. What about the layout? Do you see fitting content of church related material in the website?
  3. I am horrible at creating websites, but I was asked to create one so here it is: http://phchurch.net/index.html Please tell me what you think, how can I make it look more "church-e". I want to present the best, so what do you guys think?
  4. Thanks for the suggestions. I am going to look at these. Google Chrome has built in Dev loper Tools and shows how to also increase speed. So that helps too.
  5. I am trying to optimize my website for speed as much as possible. However it is heavily database driven. Are there any ways to speed up each page request? Also I am closing each MySql connection after every page load. Here is my database class, is that a good idea? <?php //For changes, see: http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.connect.php class Database{ var $mysqli, $result, $q, $affectedRows; function __construct($host, $user, $pass, $db){ $this->connect($host, $user, $pass, $db); } function connect($host, $user, $pass, $db){ $this->mysqli = new MySQLi($host, $user, $pass, $db); if(mysqli_connect_error()){ //Add Line to error handling system here... echo "Internal Site Error - Cannot Continue!"; exit; } } function clean(){ $str = $this->q; $str = @trim($str); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $str = stripslashes($str); } $this->q = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->mysqli, $str); } function execute($query, $mode = MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT){ $this->q = $query; $this->clean(); $result = $this->mysqli->query($query, $mode); if(is_object($result) && $result instanceof MySQLi_Result){//if result is a object and is part of the mysqli class? $this->result = $result; $this->affectedRows = $this->result->num_rows; }else $this->affectedRows = $this->mysqli->affected_rows; return $this; } function fetchRow(){ return $this->result->fetch_assoc(); } function fetchAll(){ /*$row = $this->result->fetch_all($mode); See manual for the mode under mysqli_result::fetch_all //return !empty($row) ? $row : array();//if not empty return row, else return an array? */ $row = array(); while($f = $this->fetchRow()){ $row[] = $f; } return !empty($row) ? $row : array(); } function numRows(){ return $this->affectedRows; } function delete($table, $where){ return $this->execute("DELETE FROM ".$table." WHERE ".$where); } function deleteAll($table){ return $this->execute("TRUNCATE ".$table); } function update($table, $set, $where){ return $this->execute("UPDATE ".$table." SET ".$set." WHERE ".$where); } function select($table, $select = "*", $where = NULL, $cap = ""){ if(is_null($where) || empty($where)) return $this->execute("SELECT ".$select." FROM ".$table." ".$cap); else return $this->execute("SELECT ".$select." FROM ".$table." WHERE ".$where." ".$cap); } function lastId(){ return $this->mysqli->insert_id; } function resetInc($table, $inc){ $this->execute("ALTER TABLE ".$table." AUTO_INCREMENT = ".$inc); } function error(){ return @mysqli_error($this->mysqli). " <strong><font color=\"red\">QUERY</font>: ".$this->q."</strong>"; } function close(){ @mysqli_close($this->mysqli); } function __destruct(){ $this->close(); } } $db = new Database(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_DB); ?>
  6. lol I have never heard anyone call it a 'getter' before. I know what you mean, an accessor. Thanks!
  7. @OOP: Okay, I was having trouble a while ago, but I had the variables set as private, then I was getting an error saying that it was not a property of FootballPool. I just tried what you suggested and it worked. So if in the base class, the property that I am trying to access has to be protected and above? If private, it only belongs to the base, or that class?
  8. I am working on my Pool class (base) and my FootballPool class (derived). I have this as my constructor Pool.php protected $pid, $uid, $pkid, $name; function __construct($pid, $uid){ $this->pid = $pid; $this->uid = $uid; $this->pkid = $this->pkid(); if(isset($_SESSION['picksInfo']['name'])) $this->name = $_SESSION['picksInfo']['name']; else $this->name = NULL; } Now a function in my FootballPool class needs to call $pid, $uid, and $pkid. How can I do that? I have tried this: Pool::$pid, but then I get this error I am confused, because in the parents constructor, it is set. So basically, how can I call a variable set in the base class from a child or derived class?
  9. Thanks!
  10. How come I cannot do this? define('IMG_EXT', array("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "bmp", "tif"), true);
  11. I am in a technical writing class and we are required to do some research over a chosen topic, I chose Internet addiction. I was wondering if you guys would help me with on getting some statistics, would you guys please do this survey? There is only five questions and the first one is the only required one. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6SBJRWP Hey, thanks for even looking!
  12. Pull the drive out, plug it into your desktop as a slave, scan the drive and remove files. Are you sure it is a virus and not a bad configuration?
  13. After quick thought, I figured it out. I have tested it and it seems to work, here is how I solved my problem: function fetchRow(){ return $this->result->fetch_assoc(); } function fetchAll($mode = 'MYSQLI_ASSOC'){ /*$row = $this->result->fetch_all($mode); */ //return !empty($row) ? $row : array();//if not empty return row, else return an array? $row = array(); while($f = $this->fetchRow()) $row[] = $f; return !empty($row) ? $row : array(); } Any suggestions? Note: I also don't code with double spaces. I am using Linux and I think it might have something to do with the text-encoding, but I am not sure.
  14. Nope says not found. I guess I will be writing my own. Gosh it has been a while since I had to do this, I might be back for help. Lol, lets see how far I can get.
  15. That is cool, so say if my application is using PostgreSQL I could use the PDO functions, then I all of a sudden switch back to mysql I could use the same functions? That would be real handy when using my Database class.
  16. Okay I found something called PDO and it says that the PDO driver is mysql.
  17. Oh no? Well let me look over at this info table again. Sometimes I can be so dumb. That is the socket. I still don't see it. Let me dig deeper.
  18. After I posted about the driver, I relized I could look at phpinfo() and I did. I am currently using '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'. I guess I am going to have to write my own, as suggested.
  19. I have a Text Captcha class I wrote! Very easy to use! The class: <?php /* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ //Created By James Little class TextCaptcha{ private $question; private $xml; private $postVar = "realAns"; private $salt = "Something Really Really Random, like 79"; function __construct($api, $url = "http://textcaptcha.com/api/"){ @session_start(); //Starts session if one has not already been started. @ messages any errors it may produce. if(!isset($_SESSION['~TC'])){ //So if called on page, does not send request more than once. //Grab question and answers! $url = $url.$api; try{ $this->xml = @new SimpleXMLElement($url, NULL, true); }catch(Exception $e){ //Could not Connect, this is the default $fallback = '<captcha>'. '<question>How many wheels does a car have?</question>'. '<answer>'.md5(4).'</answer> <answer>'.md5("four").'</answer></captcha>'; $this->xml = new SimpleXMLElement($fallback); } $this->setQA(); }else $this->question = $_SESSION['~TC']; } function question(){ return $this->question; } function refresh($title = "Refresh"){ if(isset($_GET['newQuestion'])){ unset($_SESSION['~TC']); header("Location: ".$this->getURL(false)); }else return '<a href="'.$this->getURL(true).'newQuestion">'.$title.'</a>'; } function correctAnswer($ans){ $ra = $_POST[$this->postVar]; unset($_SESSION['~TC']); $ans = $this->setAns($ans); for($i = 0; $i<count($ra); $i++){ if($ra[$i] === $ans){ return true; } } return false; } private function setQA(){ //Set the questions and answers. $this->question = (string) $this->xml->question; $addOn = ""; foreach ($this->xml->answer as $hash){ $addOn .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$this->postVar.'[]" value="'.$this->setAns((string) $hash, false).'" />'; } $this->question = $addOn.$this->question; $_SESSION['~TC'] = $this->question; } private function getURL($fix){//This Function needs to be rewritten. $page = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $page .= "?"; if(count($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) > 0) $page .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if($fix) $page .= "&"; else $page = str_replace("&newQuestion", "", $page); return $page; } private function setAns($ans, $userInput = true){ if($userInput) //Because the answers already come in as hashed, but they need to be reshash with salt return md5(md5(strtolower(trim($ans))).$this->salt); else return md5($ans.$this->salt); } }; ?> An Example: <?php //To gain an API key, visit: http://textcaptcha.com/register include("TextCaptcha.php"); $TextCaptcha = new TextCaptcha("MY API KEY HERE"); if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ if($TextCaptcha->correctAnswer($_POST['answer'])) echo "Correct, "; else echo "No, "; echo '<a href="?">Try Again!</a>'; unset($_POST['submit']); }else{ echo '<form action="?" method="post" name="TC">'; echo $TextCaptcha->question(); echo " "; echo $TextCaptcha->refresh("New Question"); echo '<br />'; echo '<input type="input" name="answer" />'; echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />'; echo '</form>'; } ?> Also read that article posted, I know it will help you. Take the time to read. We do not post answers, but the path to the answers. Quit being lazy :/
  20. According to phpinfo(), I currently have installed is: 5.3.3-1. Do you know how I can find out what mysql driver I have installed?
  21. I have an error that I seem to find curious. Let me explain what I have. I have a Database class that has a function (the culprit) that is called fetchAll. It is suppose to call the mysqli method mysqli_result::fetch_all(). This method does exist, I have looked it up: The PHP Manual, however do note the last comment on the page, it describes my problem, but does not explain how I can fix it. Now, here is my error: Here is line 36: $row = $this->result->fetch_all($mode); Here is the entire function, or is it called a method since it is in a class? function fetchAll($mode = 'MYSQLI_ASSOC'){ $row = $this->result->fetch_all($mode); return !empty($row) ? $row : array();//if not empty return row, else return an array? } I could post the entire class, but I think it might be irrelevant so I will spear you guys. Do you guys think you might be able to help me out? Thanks!
  22. Hey can you guys register an account. I removed the password. You can make up fake data, besides the email. I just need to test the activation process.
  23. Please use the code tags!
  24. I am working on a new website and I want it to be free of security holes. Before I continue let me add some things: I downloaded the template to have some pretty interface, I hate downloaded templates and plan on creating my own later when I get time. Your goal is to create an account on the website. Your second goal is to gain administrative access of the website. Please break the website as much as possible, I have it backed up. Email system is not working at all, not finished. Please provide your exploits and how you did it. Proof of ownership: http://www.krazypickem.com/ownership/phpfreaks.txt Finally, The Website: http://www.krazypickem.com Notes: Not logged in message: "Welcome Guest!" Logged in message: "Welcome -INSERT USER'S NAME HERE-!" Admin Message : "Welcome Admin -INSERT USER'S NAME HERE-!" Thanks guys, for your help. Like I said do your worst.
  25. HA! Turns out I was sending out headers, I forgot I had this line in my constructor my Email class header('Content-Type: text/plain');
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