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  1. let me know when youre ready
  2. There isn't much to test here, you are just displaying stuff from a database
  3. So what are we suppose to be testing if it isn't done? Also, provide some testing username/password for us to use, because it's too much of a hassle to go through registration to check out sites posted in here
  4. Header is too BIG!!! You don't need 2 giant ads up there, make it all smaller. Tons of errors on this page: http://www.jobspokhara.com.np/job_seeker/jssignup.php Why do have the user select if they are an employeer or job seeker everytime they login? Don't you have this information stored in the database? Next to each job category, put the number of avaliable jobs ie Finance(0)
  5. There's no form validation for the registering. On http://quicksilver.110mb.com/forum/showtopic.php?topicid=3 it says I edited it, but I didn't Edit post page throws a mysql error Text isn't being displayed correectly (ie: It\'s instead of It's) There's no navigation on thread view I'll stop there, there is too much stuff that needs to be worked on
  6. Does it work or what's the problem with it?
  7. Really liking the site. However, I wish I could search designs by category. ie, I want to find all sites related to cars, or just blogs, etc.
  8. something like this? http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox/
  9. Is there any reason why you want to keep the image in the database? Why not just have an uploads directory, and track the file name for the corresponding image in the database?
  10. use anchors <a name=blah>
  11. I don't think PHP is the right solution for this type of project because I'm not aware of anyway to handle what you're attempting to do because PHP is processed on the server, and simply rendered on the browser
  12. In the quick contact form ,if i press submit with everything blank, i get an error, but the submit button disappears, this is in Firefox
  13. Create a time-out of say 20 mins. Store the timestamp when the user visits any page. When they try to login again, if the time between the last pageload on the site is more than 20 mins, let them login, and doing so, will overwrite their old login if they attempt to use it again after 20 mins
  14. mod_rewrite shouldn't be interfering with this? you upload the verification html file to your root diretory. what is the problem you're having exactly? to remove your rules, just open your .htaccess file and remove the rules (make sure to save them to paste back)
  15. Lowest to Highest $query_get_calls ="SELECT * FROM data WHERE TechID ='$techid' ORDER BY priority ASC"; Highest to Lowest $query_get_calls ="SELECT * FROM data WHERE TechID ='$techid' ORDER BY priority DESC";
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