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  1. Actually it works fine, I just mistake the $line for $i $fd = fopen ("file.csv", "r"); // read csv line by line $line = 1; $content = array(); while (!feof ($fd)) { $buffer = fgets($fd, 4096); $content[$line] = explode(',', $buffer); $line++; // i mistyped this } print_r($content);
  2. Haven't test it and dont know what str_getcsv output but i think you can get it into array by reading it line by line $fd = fopen ("file.csv", "r"); // read csv line by line $line = 1; $content = array(); while (!feof ($fd)) { $buffer = fgets($fd, 4096); $content[$line] = explode(',', $buffer); $i++; } Content of CSV file should be in $content
  3. Hi, I have a draggable and droppable element that when item is dropped on to the area it added some elements. However, I want to be able to remove the dropped element. Below is the sample of my code $('#comparecampaign').droppable({ drop: function(e, ui) { if($firstdrop==0) { $(this).empty(); $firstdrop = 1; } $id = $(ui.draggable).attr('id'); $text = $(ui.draggable).attr('text'); $add = '<div id="comparecontainer'+$id+'"><input type="hidden" name="compare[]" value="'+$id+'" id="compare'+$id+'" />'+$text+'<a href="#" class="tooltip" title="Delete campaign from list" class="removecompare" onClick="removeCompareCampaign(\''+$id+'\');" id="'+$id+'">Del</a></div><br />'; $(this).append($add); function removeCompareCampaign($id) { $('#comparecontainer'+$id).remove(); } } }); With the above code, I get removeCompareCampaign in not defined in Firebug. How do I get this working? Thank you.
  4. Hi, I have the below code that should run on ready(). It works fine on Firefox but not IE Any ideas? THank! <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready( function() { var $items = ['regular', 'outsource', 'total_headcount', 'internal', 'external', 'resigned', 'eligible', 'member', 'valoptec_percent']; $($items).each(function() { totalIt(this); }); } );
  5. I still get the same error. But thanks! I got it working by $(document).ready( function() { totalIt(); } );
  6. Thanks for the quick reply Rajiv I got this error on Firebug missing ) after argument list [break on this error] $('.regular').blur(totalIt);\n
  7. Hi I'm a jquery newbie. I'm trying to sum a column with below code on page load. it works fine. But I also want to update the total when the input changes. How do I do that? I dont even know how to specify a function in jquery Basically, something like <input type="text" name="whatever" id="whatever" class="regular" onBlur="runJqueryFunction()" /> $(document).ready( function() { var total=0; $('.regular').each( function() { total = parseInt(total) + parseInt(this.value); } ); $('#total_regular').text(total); } );
  8. hmm .. seem like no one gets what i want thanks anyway
  9. idToLoad is part of container_upper_bg, but container_upper_bg contains a few others div, including idToLoad. However, idToLoad might contain its own children (div) and I only want idToLoad and its children to fadeIn .. not all children of container_upper_bg. HTML is something like <div id="container_upper_bg"> <div id="home"> <div id="container_upper_center"> <div id="upper_left"> Some information </div> <div id="upper_right"><img src="images/home_pic.jpg"></div> </div> <!-- end container_upper_center --> </div> <div id="service" style="display:none"> Some other information </div> </div> <!-- end container_upper_bg -->
  10. I have a code like //we search trough the content for the visible div and we fade it out $("#container_upper_bg").find("div:visible").fadeOut("fast", function(){ //once the fade out is completed, we start to fade in the right div $("#container_upper_bg").find("#"+idToLoad[0]).fadeIn(); <--- Here I want find #idToLoad and its children, then fadeIn .. How do I do that? Thank you in advance!
  11. oh? how do I do that then? Sorry I'm clueless ...
  12. Hi, I'd like to be able to use URL1.com but all traffic/all pages should redirect to URL2.com. I dont think it's a redirect because I still want URL1.com to be shown on address bar. How to do this with Rewrite rule? Thank you!
  13. Thanks!, it's working fine
  14. Hi, I'd like to match any characters until running into a space. currently i have (.)+ but I dont know how to mark the end. Thanks!
  15. I dont have a general css defined for lists such as ul { ... } or li { ... } but I do have some other css defined for other div id. I'l try to go through and check for inheritance. If anyone has other ideas .. please feel free Thanks!
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