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  1. Hi , I am using mail funtion to send mail to some people having japanese text as contents. the data for the mail comes from database where the data is stored in UJIS. while sending the mail i am setting the encoding as UJIS in mail headers. but when the mail is sent using this data, the subject line of the mail gets ascii characters. contents appear in correct japanese,just the problem is with subject one more thing there is no problem with the data stored in database. i goolged some what but no success. is there any setting needs to be done for encoding of subject only. your help would be appreciated. Thanking in advance, ~Rohant
  2. Hello Dustin, that worked. thanks! Regards, -Rohant
  3. Hi All, i want to match some specific character set 10 odd characters in a user input string. i want to find all occurences of the any of such characters. i am using preg_match_all for this.the string pattern that i am giving is a regular expression having those characters i.e "ch1|ch2|ch3" ....but i am getting only first occurence of the the char which is there in the regular expression. where i am goin wrong and how can capture all occurences of those chars. e.g pattern- "x|y|z" string to search - "this is the X string for test Z and Y are at end and are not detected" in above case the character that is matched is only X at 13th position and z and y are not matched i want to detect presence of all 3 chars. i.e x,y as well as z. how can i achieve this. i am a new bee to php so my approach might be incorrect. Please suggest the correct approach i should follow. Thanking in adavance, Regards, Rohant
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