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  1. I am developing a system which will store selected images in a database. I have to list boxes one contains list of all images the other contains only selected images. Ones you select an image in the all images list box and click on send it moves the image to selected images listbox using javascript. Now I want to move or copy all the images in the selected images list box into an array in php so that i can save it into the database. I need help urgently. thanks
  2. I have an online organization database which contain combo boxes which allow you to select the criteria to search for an organization. Each list has a checkbox where you can select a number of organization (just like the inbox of yahoo mail or any other mail where you can select a number of mails using the checkbox). Now when ever i select a number of organizations and i click on delete. I loose the initial criteria which i used to search for the organizations. since the get only sends information in the form as the url. If you are still confused lets us this as an example " In phpmysql when you browse a table or you display records based on a query you can select a number of records and delete them together and still have your records displayed based on the query". I just want something like that.
  3. I've retrieved a list of records into a table each row of information in the table has a check box allowing me to select a particular record. My problem is that i want to delete records in selected rows and still get to display records based on the my old criteria. To explain this further, i search for records based on some criteria which is displayed in the URL. Now when i click on delete, because it is a GET method i only retrieve information in the checkbox and i'm not able to append my old url to the GET method so that it displays records based on the old criteria Need help urgently thanks
  4. I'm developing an online math quiz/test using php. The test will contain math symbols like square root, PII and the rest. Does any body have an idea of how to go about it. I just need ideas on how to also handle the math symbols thanks alot
  5. Thanks alot Axiom82 for the perfect explanation given. I will Try it and give you response on any outcome Thanks ones again.
  6. Thank you Axiom82 for your prompt reply but i think i need to make some clarification here, the class is the dropdown or combo box and the students is also a dropdown or combo box, and the search is a button. Now what i want exactly is that when i choose a class from the class combo box i want the students in that class to automatically populate the students combo box, so that i can choose a student name from the list in the student combo box. Also when i click on the search buttom then the search.php will then load with details based on what i chose from the class and student combo box. thank you. Hope i'm clear now
  7. Hello I have a web form with the following fields Class, Students and a search buttom. Now what i want to do is that, any time i change the value in the class field the students field should be populated with only students in that class and also any time i click on search it should search, it should search the database based on the value in the class and students fields. Now I tried to use the post method to do it, but its just not working. Now can any one give me a sample code using javascript and PHP to handle this problem. Thank you
  8. I have two files search.php and update.php, i have a combo box which is populated with a list of organizations and a search button on search.php and a detail form on update.php. Now I want to code the search button such that when i select an organization and click on the search buttom, details of the selected organization will pupolate the form on update.php. Basically i want to send the information on the search.php to the update.php so that i can use it to retrieve detail information on the update.php Help need urgently
  9. I think my question is not very clear so let me explain my self better. First of all, I can only access my mail by going to mail.civilsocietyghana.org and then i enter my username "[email protected]" and my password to check and view my mails. If i enter "sample" in the username field and I try to login, it is not possible. Now what I intend to do is to create another login form from within my site such that when I click on Login the information is passed from my login form to the mail.civilsociety.org login form, and automaticatically executing the Login button on that form for me to see my mail straight forward. May be my question is not self explanatory enough. If any one feel so please let me know so that i can further explain myself better. And also if any body understand my question, please help me out or if it is not possible please let me know thank you
  10. Hi I have developed this website and it's being hosted by a company, but i also requested for email services, but the problem is that to access your email you have type the full email address in the username box eg. if your email is [email protected], you have to type [email protected] in the username field instead of "men". So i will like to create a login box within my site such that users will have just have to type the their username(and it will automatically autocomplete it with the rest of the information before passing it to the server) and password to access their mail. Please I need help urgently if it's possible Thanks
  11. Thank you very much for your help because i didn't have any idea of how to go about it. but my problem is that when i just tried the code you gave me, i couldn't select the other class (class 2) since it always goes back to class 1, there for there seem to be some problem with it. Secondly both class and students are in a database so how do i pass the selected class to the database to retrieve the corresponding students in the class to populate the combo box.. I'm a novice and really want to learn at a fast pace
  12. am designing a web based school registry system and i have a form with 2 combo boxs on containing classes and the other containing names of students but i the student name combo box information to be dependent on the item selected in the class combo box. That is when someone chooses a class from the class combo box the student combox box will be automatically populated with students in the class selected in the first combo box. Note: Selecting a class from the class combo box should automatically populate the student combo box without clicking on any submit button
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