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  1. I recently created a database and table, using a tutorial, that allows for full text searching. One field is called "content" and the other is called "URL". I want to build a simple search page that will match words against each other and return URLs, in hyperlink form, so that visitors can find products (I run a small store). I actually managed to write an online script that allows me to copy and paste content, along with the associated URL, into a form and it's shot directly into the database/table. I'm an idiot with this stuff - that took me about 3 days (although it works famously). The syntax for a command line search is something like: select url from mytable where match(contents, url) against('Dell Optiplex'); I'm an old fart and it took me 5 days to get this far.....ARGH! Obviously, I know that the top of the page has to contain directives for connecting to mysql and the database. If anyone could throw me a bone, here (for the rest of a script), I would be eternally grateful. Thanks, Guy Merritt
  2. I'm an idiot - I finally figured the thing out and it's a very long story.... Thanks for the input, though.
  3. I am in desperate need of a simple site search for a small business website. I found a how-to on the net and, though I have very limited experience with PHP and MySql I was able to follow the directions, build the database and tables, etc. There are a lot of postings on the orginal site which indicate that the script works fine. The how-to from which I'm working is here: http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/php/2002/10/24/simplesearchengine.html I'm doing all of this on a linux server, by the way. The whole thing seemed fairly simply but there is one page/script that searches URLS and adds them to the database. The author of the how-to doesn't really explain, very well, where in the heck you put the URLs you want indexed. Someone had posted a similar question on the site (which is really old - therefore I didn't ask there) and another individual replied that you simply add the URL(s) "at the end of the php script". If I do as those instructions indicate I get a parsing error at the line where I've added something like: populate.php?url=http://www.cnn.com/ If someone could take a look at this thing and tell me what's wrong I would be extremely grateful. I'm an old man and really don't have the time to study php and mysql from the ground up - well, I'm trying to learn... The populate.php script, without any designated URLS, looks like this: <? /* * populate.php * * Script for populating the search database with words, * pages and word-occurences. */ /* Connect to the database: */ mysql_pconnect("localhost","root","secret") or die("ERROR: Could not connect to database!"); mysql_select_db("test"); /* Define the URL that should be processed: */ $url = addslashes( $_GET['url'] ); if( !$url ) { die( "You need to define a URL to process." ); } else if( substr($url,0,7) != "http://" ) { $url = "http://$url"; } /* Does this URL already have a record in the page-table? */ $result = mysql_query("SELECT page_id FROM page WHERE page_url = \"$url\""); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if( $row['page_id'] ) { /* If yes, use the old page_id: */ $page_id = $row['page_id']; } else { /* If not, create one: */ mysql_query("INSERT INTO page (page_url) VALUES (\"$url\")"); $page_id = mysql_insert_id(); } /* Start parsing through the text, and build an index in the database: */ if( !($fd = fopen($url,"r")) ) die( "Could not open URL!" ); while( $buf = fgets($fd,1024) ) { /* Remove whitespace from beginning and end of string: */ $buf = trim($buf); /* Try to remove all HTML-tags: */ $buf = strip_tags($buf); $buf = ereg_replace('/&\w;/', '', $buf); /* Extract all words matching the regexp from the current line: */ preg_match_all("/(\b[\w+]+\b)/",$buf,$words); /* Loop through all words/occurrences and insert them into the database: */ for( $i = 0; $words[$i]; $i++ ) { for( $j = 0; $words[$i][$j]; $j++ ) { /* Does the current word already have a record in the word-table? */ $cur_word = addslashes( strtolower($words[$i][$j]) ); $result = mysql_query("SELECT word_id FROM word WHERE word_word = '$cur_word'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if( $row['word_id'] ) { /* If yes, use the old word_id: */ $word_id = $row['word_id']; } else { /* If not, create one: */ mysql_query("INSERT INTO word (word_word) VALUES (\"$cur_word\")"); $word_id = mysql_insert_id(); } /* And finally, register the occurrence of the word: */ mysql_query("INSERT INTO occurrence (word_id,page_id) VALUES ($word_id,$page_id)"); print "Indexing: $cur_word<br>"; } } } fclose($fd); ?> Where would I put the URL(s), exactly - and what syntax should I use? As I've said, if I type something like "populate.php?url=http://www.cnn.com/", right before ?>, I get a parsing error. Thanks for any help, Guy Merritt Flint, MI
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