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  1. ha, awesome...it worked! And with multiple domains would it just be putting the rewrite two times? RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !infinitevortex\.net/ RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !other\.net/ Thanks for everything!
  2. I'm still experimenting with htacces so this is what I put: ReWriteRule /(*.flv) %{HTTP_REFERER}/multimedia/$1 /(flv) is to mark all the files on the video site /refer/multimeda/ is where the request is coming from which is http://infinitevortex.net/multimedia/video.php?flv=g14.flv and when I put it in it gave me a 500 server error..help?
  3. @resage; so rewrite (*.flv) $_REFERER/$1 will make it so all .flv can only be accessed through my main site? @legohead6 Yah, When I embed it it shows the whole url...so I need to find out how to encrypt it or hide it somehow.
  4. But that would still display the url to the video in my embed tag even if it is in an include
  5. I need it done without flash though...would mod rewrite work? I'm not sure how to do it though if possible...like it would rewrite anything like multimedia/video/video1.flv to http://sitewithvideo.com/video/186404.flv RewriteRule multimedia/(.*)/(.*)/ http://sitewithvideo.com/$1/$2&
  6. Hey I am putting up streaming section on my site, but I don't want people to know the urls of the videos since they can just look them up in the source of the html. Is there anyway I can encrypt them or hide them so no one can see the url? For example like on youtube. Thank you! ~L
  7. L

    Cron Jobs

    If it involves cron jobs, then I'd be glad to! But I already have the script all made and everything...I just need an example of what an executable cron job script looks like so I can make sure no errors come up
  8. L

    Cron Jobs

    Idk. I heard that you wouldn't want live stats because once the stats gets bigger it takes longer to load. For example a site my friend had had live stats, but it was so slow because it had over 700 members. So I just wanted to go the safe route with cron jobs, but last time I tried the server started messing up on me so I was wondering if someone knew how to do it correctly Thanks for the threads! Lastly, does the php file that is to be run need to be modified in anyway? Like how would an include look like...would it just be normal?
  9. L

    Cron Jobs

    I want to run a script every ten minutes for updating users online. Can someone tell me how I can do this? Last time I tried it gave me an server error so I'm afraid to try it out again. The script includes files in the directory it will be in so is just the file name good for an include? Thanks for your time, ~L
  10. Hey, I have been using this for a while, but I noticed that it's been breaking down lately. for instance, when I select an image to upload it gives me an error"No image selected" even though one was. The script is kind of long so I'm sorry if you have to read through all of it...but I'll mark it up for you. if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES['userphoto']['tmp_name']); mysql_select_db('iffatb_ayase', $conn1); $yah = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `by`='".$_SESSION['userid']."' and `subtopsid`!='16'", $conn1); ////Dif. post/rep give you different rights so this is where I differ between the two. if (mysql_num_rows($yah) >= 200 || $touser['stafflevel'] > 0 || $touser['rep'] >= 400) { $maxwidth = 151; $maxheight = 151; $maxfilesize = 300000; } else { $maxwidth = 100; $maxheight = 100; $maxfilesize = 50000; } $ext = strrchr($_FILES['userphoto']['name'], "."); // check if there was a file uploaded if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userphoto']['tmp_name'])) { $error = "you didn't select a file to upload.<br /><br />"; // if it was, go ahead with other checks } else if ($_FILES['userphoto']['size'] > $maxfilesize) { $error = "your image file was too large.<br /><br />"; unlink($_FILES['userphoto']['tmp_name']); } elseif ($ext != ".bmp" AND $ext != ".gif" AND $ext != ".jpg" AND $ext != ".jpeg" AND $ext != ".GIF" AND $ext != ".JPG" AND $ext != ".JPEG" AND $ext != ".BMP" AND $ext != ".png" AND $ext != ".PNG") { $error = "your file was an unacceptable type.<br /><br />"; unlink($_FILES['userphoto']['tmp_name']); } elseif ($height > $maxheight || $width > $maxwidth) { $error = "your image file was too large. <br />"; unlink($_FILES['userphoto']['tmp_name']); } else { $_SESSION['photo'] = $newname; $newname = $_SESSION['userid'].$ext; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userphoto']['tmp_name'],"avatar/".$newname); mysql_select_db('iffatb_riaz', $conn); // if it's there, an okay size and type, copy to server and update the photo value in SQL mysql_query("UPDATE users SET photo='$newname' WHERE userid='".$_SESSION['userid']."''") or die (mysql_error()); } if ($error) { echo "<b>Change Photo Result</b><br />"; echo "Your photo could not be changed because ".$error.""; } else { echo "<b>Change Photo Result</b>"; echo "Your photo was successfully uploaded.<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"2; URL=/memberscript/account.php\">"; } } ?> Sorry for the long code, but I can't figure out why this isn't working...I think it might be outdated? Thank you for your time ~L
  11. @adam The script seems to work(the image appears), but when I check it against what the user types it fails every time. Here's my code. if (md5($_POST['image']) != $_SESSION['image_random_value']) { $msg="You have been deemed a bot...if you are not a bot then contact the admin at ninjitsudude@gmail.com"; confirm($msg); } @Daniel Would be overkill if I were to use this method and a captcha one? @Yesideez I sent you the pm.
  12. Yah, that'd be appreciated...I don't know how I could make one.
  13. Hey, For an anti-bot check I thought I would create a hidden input, and if it was filled(because bots usually fill in everything) it wouldn't let it to register. But for some reason the opposite is happening for me..when it's not set it gives the error and vice versa //in form tag <input type="hidden" name="notcool" id="notcool" value="" /> if (isset($_POST['register'])) { if (isset($_POST['notcool'])) { $msg = "You have been deemed a bot...if you are not a bot, then try again..."; confirm($msg); } //above is first part of check in the registration page When I put !isset($_POST['notcool'])) then it works fine...can someone explain to me what's wrong here because I'm confused. ??? Thanks for your time, ~L
  14. Hey, I want to figure out the total sum of all the values in the column, `amount`. I'm not sure how I would go about doing this. I have $donated = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `donations` WHERE `month`='".date('m-Y')."'")); but when I echo out $donated['amount'] it just echos out the latest insert. thanks for your time ~L
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