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Posts posted by Youko

  1. So, I don't really know how to achieve this with php, so any help would be much appriciated. I bet this is so simple of a solution, I'll look like an idiot.  :-\




    I have 2 MySQL tables.


    I wan't to take an value from a cell on table 1, substract that from a cell from table 2 so that the new value saves to the cell on table 2.


    Like: money - item_price = this much money


    Thank's in advance!

  2. Since I can't edit my previous post anymore, I'll make a new one.

    It seems that if I replace return with echo, I get the whole list, but

    it just bloats it randomly to the top of the page and not where it is supposed to be

    so return has to be used. I wonder why return doesn't show them all.

  3. Ok, now my code looks like this:


    global $post_info, $user;
          if(check_class($post_info['user_class'], TRUE) || check_class($user['user_class'], TRUE))
      		$user_class = $post_info['user_class'];
      $query = "SELECT userclass_img FROM e107_userclass_classes WHERE userclass_id IN($user_class)";
      if ($result = mysql_query($query)) {
        if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
          while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 
              $return $row['userclass_img'];



    It still only show's the output for the first number in the variable, not for all, since they are separated with coma. Or atleast I think that's the reason.


    Btw, Thorpe, you had an error in your syntax.



    if ($result = mysql_query($result)) {



    if ($result = mysql_query($query)) {


    Edit: Fixed some things...

  4. My deepest apologies, I misread.

    Yay! It works! *hugs* Thanks so much! Sorry that I tried your patience...

    All is well now.... atleast for now.


    Edit: ACtually there is still one issue, but we are getting there!

    It only checks the first number of the $usrclass and outputs the data acording to that, but

    id wan't it to go thru all the numbers in the variable. Is that possible?

    I mean that if a user has a userclass 1,2 only the picture from the userclass_img for class 1 gets output.

  5. I know, but since the variable has a value value like 2,3,,3 so it can't match it to the userclass_id

    I want the script to separate every number to individual variables


    Oviously it won't find a id 2,4,6 from the userclass_id columm, since they are only single number's there

    Every number that the variable has reperesents one userclass so if the user has more than one, they become separated with coma.

  6. Ok I'll try. I'l give a bigger picture, which most information ain't really relevant to the script itself, but to get a bigger picture.


    I have a CMS system and every user have their own user classes (Admins, MOds, etc)

    Theese userclasses have an unique id number from 1 to upwards.

    Now, the system is designed so that it stores all the userclass' the user has

    in the users table with teh format of, ex 2,5,3,6

    Then the userclasses themselves are separated in another table as


    userclass_id        userclass_img                      |  userclass_name


    1                  |    http://blah.com/pic.jpg        |  Admin

    2                  |    http://blah.com/pic.jpg        |  Moderator

    3                  |    http://blah.com/pic.jpg        |  Whatever



    Ok. So, I have gotten the user's (that has posted something) userclasses to a variable,

    but since they are in a format with all the classes in the same columm separated with ,

    so I can't compare that value in the variable with userclass_id's

    Now what I want to do is get every single number separated from, let's say 2,5,3 (the data in variable)

    to new variables or find an alternative way to do this.


    The goal I'm aiming to is that for every single userclass_id the userclass is formed of, the id's userclass_img columm get's shown on the site (return $blahblah).


    I hope that helped to understand better what I'm doing.

    Otherwise you need to ask some specific questions, since I don't know if I can explain this better.


  7. Thanks for the correction. (Altho that part of the code worked just fine... odd..)

    Edit: Actually that gives me a parse error, so that change does nothing good.

    Edit2: Oh nvm, fixed it.


    But still I need help with the aforementioned issue. I know now way on how to do that and it might even be impossible. If only the system I am working on wasn't designed like this...

  8. Ok, I'll post the code:


    // ignore these

    global $post_info, $user;


    // this is where i check the users class and this part of the code works, since

    // I can output the results with "return $user_class"


          if(check_class($post_info['user_class'], TRUE) || check_class($user['user_class'], TRUE))


      $user_class = "$post_info[user_class]";






    $query="SELECT * FROM e107_userclass_classes WHERE userclass_id=$user_class";


    $res=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()."<br />".$query);




    return $row['userclass_img'];



    return $user_class;




    The solution you offered wouldn't work, since the variable is not constant.

    I'd want the script to check, let's say a value of 1,8,3 then perhaps store

    all those numbers to variables or some other way.


    So, that it checks if all those numbers (separetly) are found in the id columm

    and then outputs the next column from every id the numbers match to.

  9. Oh you'r reply was fast, thank you. I just happened to edit my previous post at the same time, hehe.

    If you would be kind enough to look at my previous post for new details.


    Edit: Indeed that was the issues. It doesn't understand the value the variable has. MySQL error follows. Thanks for the help with the error checking.


    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3,5,6,7' at line 1

    SELECT * FROM e107_userclass_classes WHERE userclass_id=2,3,5,6,7

  10. First of, sorry that I keep pestering you guys.


    Ok, so I'm in a dead end once again. The solution is propably so simple,

    that I will be hitting my head to the mousepad afterwards, haha.


    Ok, so here it goes.


    I have a value set to a variable in php, so how can I make it check a table

    in a MySQL table from, let's say columm ID that if it finds that some value

    in the colum ID matches the value set to the variable, it outputs the data

    entered to the next colum from the same row it found the id from?


    The table in question is formed like this:


    id            img_source


    1    |      http://site.com/blah1.jpg

    2    |      http://site.com/blah2.jpg

    3    |      http://site.com/blah3.jpg

    4    |      http://site.com/blah4.jpg


    So if the variable has a value of 3, it checks the database table if it has such a value in the id columm

    and then outputs the image link next to it.


    Thanks again!

  11. Okay. I have a table with few columms.

    Can I make it so that a php file checks every time it's ran that if a new row

    has appeared in a table and after that insert theese few lines to a end of a file:


    $rank_no4 = "blah blah";

            $rank_no4_pic = "<img src='".THEME_ABS."blah/blah.jpg' />";


    I'd want that the $rank_no<number> goes acording to the newest ID in the table.

    Is this possible?

  12. Thanks for the fast reply. UNfortunately the CMS software is not designed by me and I can't

    really change the database, since it would cause troubles and it would propably take longer for

    me to change how the system handles database than just make a workarround to it.

  13. Hello


    I'm still learning both PHP and MySQL.

    I'm in a pinch now, since I can't figure how to pull this thru.

    Ok, let's get started!


    So. I'm using this cms with a forum plugin called e107 (this inormation doesn't really matter

    in this case, but if someone has experience with it, this could help)


    Ok. I have a table named e107_user which has collum user_class.

    The collum user_class has values stored as such: 1,2,3,4,5

    Meaning they are separated by coma and are ascending from 1 to upwards, but not always has them

    going +1 +1 +1, but can have data like 1,2,5,7.

    (the table e107_user has several collums, btw)


    Then I have a table called e107_userclass_images with collums: id and userclass_img


    Now, what I want to do with php is it to check that if if some row in the table e107_user in the collum

    user_class has an entry in it, that if the number or numbers match one or several in the

    table e107_userclass_images' collum id and if it does, it saves them and outputs in php.


    This might sound confusing, since my english terminology is not the greates.

    If you have any further questions (meaning you didn't understand my babble), go ahead and ask

    if you think you can help me solve this problem.

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