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Everything posted by cartpauj

  1. Good luck with that: http://cspf.co/dfXz/Image%202015-10-30%20at%2011.10.57%20AM.png Source: http://www.phpfreaks.com/page/rules-and-terms-of-service
  2. Thanks so much! That was just the answer I was looking for...I need search no longer. Look if that's all you have to say you might as well have kept it to yourself.
  3. I am helping to develop a php forum software but some of our beta testers are having problems with the following mySQL query returning empty results. I setup two identical sites on my WAMP test server and the query works on one test site but not the other...I can't figure out why, if someone could help me figure this out it would be great: SELECT forum_threads.parent_id as pt, forum_posts.id, text, forum_posts.subject, forum_posts.parent_id, forum_posts.`date`, MATCH (text) AGAINST ('something') AS score FROM forum_posts inner join forum_threads on forum_posts.parent_id = forum_threads.id WHERE forum_threads.parent_id AND MATCH (text) AGAINST ('something') AND forum_posts.`date` > SUBDATE(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 9999 DAY)
  4. I was given the following code but I can't get it to show code in the code blocks. If I put something like: <?php //SOME FUNCTION ?> inside a bb code block, nothing shows up. Could someone help me edit this file so that code will show up properly in a code block? FILE IS ATTACHED [attachment deleted by admin]
  5. I recently decided to set up my own basic web server just to learn something new. I'm running Vista Home Premium and I went to Apache.org and D/L'd the latest version of Apache (Win32 Binary including OpenSSL 0.9.8g - MSI Installer). I installed it with administrative rights and rebooted my PC. I then tested http://localhost and everything worked just fine and dandy. But my ISP blocks port 80 so I attempted to edit my configuration file to listen to another port besides port 80 and then restarted the Apache server. And localhost no longer worked. I tried all sorts of different port numbers but no dice. I changed it back to 80 and it works just fine. Any ideas what could be causing the problem?
  6. I need a script that can check a database for a variable (dateob) the birthdate is stored in this format MM-DD-YYYY, the script needs to search all users Birthdays and if one is coming up soon send out an E-Mail to the user. I don't know anythin about PHP but would this be hard to do? would it be easier if I changed the way the date was stored? Here's the code used when the user registers if that will help you know what variables to use:
  7. Thanks for the help I figured it out. I had the user create code inside the while loop so unless the first name it checked happened to be the same the current user was trying to use then the creation code got executed anyways. I just had to move the part below the green out of the while loop. Thanks for the help though
  8. This script is working fine except the part highlighted in green. I tried to register a name that already existed and it skipped the part in green alltogether and tried to create the user anyways. Did I do something wrong in the code?
  9. Ok I have done more research and have combined the two codes together but It's not working and I don't know why. Below is the code. I have highlighted in red the part that's not working: (things in ALL CAPS are the stuff I've taken out so I don't give you private information)
  10. below are the two scripts if someone could please help merge them that would be great. I need the Registration code to run first then if it's successful run the Email code. I need to cut out the messages from the Email code and change the variable names to coincide with the ones being used with the Register Form but I'm afraid to do it because I know I'll mess it up so if you could show me or tell me how i would appreciate it. Register CODE: E-Mail CODE:
  11. That sounds like a great idea the only problem is that I don't know enough about all this to do it myself if it is just a matter of adding a few lines of code could you please show me how and where I would do this? Thanks.
  12. I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to get at. Basically what I need is the ability to use the data the user enters on the registration form to also pass that data to my cpemail.php script? how would I accomplish the action to an action? OR Is it possible for me to create a file called "runtwo.php" and use that script as my action and have that script send the data to the "wp-login.php?action=register" and "cpemail.php" scripts? If so how would I do it and what would the code look like? Thanks for all the help so far everyone it's much appreciated.
  13. I'm not too keen on PHP but I'm slowly learning as much as I can. I have had the E-Mail code up and running for a while but someone who has not registered on my site has been taking advantage of this free service I offer and Creating accounts used for SPAM so I have decided to integrate the E-Mail script in with the user registration script to hopefully help aid this problem. The E-Mail creation script is called cpemail.php and I had a form set up as follows: And this is my Register Form: I realize that I would have to change the Variable names in my cpemail.php script to use the same ones on this form and also implement a way to do the password since the regiser form does not ask the user for one, but beyond that I don't know what to do. Thanks for the help.
  14. I have done some research and I've noted that it is not possible to run two actions with one form. Here's the problem...I really need too. When users register for my site I would also like a seperate script that I have to run also (it creates an E-Mail account for them on my site). So my question is what are some alternatives or get-arounds for this problem?
  15. Thanks MUCH!
  16. Ok I know just enough about css and php to get in trouble, so here is the code any help would be appreciated: CSS <ul>,<li> code for header navigation: CODE to display it:
  17. wp_list_pages is built into one wordpress' many files and I wouldn't even know where to begin to edit it. How would I go about creating (in my themes stylsheet) a way to possibly add text effects to the <li>'s for exaple when the mouse is active over one of the links it adds a highlight to the text? and how would I tell the <ul> to display it? somthing like <ul class="header_pages"> or something like that???
  18. Here's php code: <ul> <?php wp_list_pages() ?> </ul> The wp_list_pages automatically creates the <li>'s for all my pages and it displays like this: Home About Contact... I would like it to display like this: Home | About | Contact... any ideas about how I might force a seperator to be used between the pages?
  19. Ok I have installed WordPress for those who are familiar with it. I noticed that when I use WordPress's built in "Create Page" function It doesn't allow PHP to be entered in. So I downloaded some PHP Plugins for WordPress and Here's my dilema. I'm using a script called linkman, basically it's a site links manager and it allows others to add a link to their site on my site and then checks to see if a reciprocal link is on their site. But when I enter this PHP into the wordpress page none of the links show up: … require ’settings.php’; $lines = array (); $lines=file($settings[’linkfile’]); echo ‘ < p class=”linkman”>’; foreach ($lines as $thisline) { $thisline=trim($thisline); if (!empty($thisline)) { list($name,$email,$title,$url,$recurl,$description)=explode($settings[’delimiter’],$thisline); if ($settings[’clean’] != 1) {$url=’go.php?url=’.$url;} echo ‘‘.$title.’ - ‘.$description.”; } } … Obviously this isn’t all the code but it’s the part that isn’t working, I've tried to get help at the WordPress forums and the plugin creators but know one has even come close to helping me understand why it isn't working so I'm turning to you guys. Basically most of the plugins I've tried use the eval() code to check the php I've entered in and I get an error that says that there are invalid arguments for foreach(). NOTE: this script works fine when run outside of a WordPress created page but I really need it in a WP created page because I need the links displayed in my site with the theme and all. I'm thinking that it has something to do with the fact that the script requires information from another file on the server (settings.php) and (linkfile.txt) and somehow the eval() code isn't allowing it. If someone could please offer assistance it woul be much appreciated. I've about pulled out all my hair on this one.
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