That sounds great, but now the problem is I have no idea how to accomplish what ye say! I'm not very experienced with PHP. I'm sure I'll be able to find a tutorial on how to get the IP address somewhere from google, and I know how to communicate with mysql, add the info and so on.
The problem would be how to count the number of attempted logins?
What I am thinking now (please, correct me if I'm wrong!) is:
->Write a program to check if after a failed login, their IP is in the database. If not, then put it in and set column->numAttempts to 1.
->Then reload the login page to try again. If it is another failure, check if the IP is in the database and if it is then check to see what column->numAttempts holds and increase by 1.
->Keep repeating until column->numAttempts reaches 5.
->When the login page loads and it sees the IP that is attempting to login has column->numAttempts=5, it loads a different page saying that login is disabled.
That seems to me like it could work and is something like you are suggesting?
But, it still leaves me with the problem of how do I delete the record from the database after a set amount of time?
Thanks for ye'r help!