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About clearstatcache

  • Birthday 12/20/1985

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  1. You may use tinyint length = 1. 1 for true and 0 for false
  2. You may use tinyint length = 1
  3. try this... $delete_query = "delete links, pagelinks from links left join pagelinks on links.linkid = pagelinks.linkid where links.linkid=ID";
  4. the file you include is not found by the script...may be you have a wrong include_path...
  5. make sure your $id has a value......
  6. remove the comma before the Where
  7. you forgot the single qoute for town='$town'
  8. $day = date('D'); $image_dir = $day.'/screen/';
  9. i think if else is more applicable in this situation....
  10. u used that key as unique_key......aside from ur primary key....u need to have another index(s) which is unique in your table.....to be more efficient....
  11. try changing preg_match("/\<Link\>/", $line) to preg_match("/http:\/\//", $line)
  12. how about adding another index key.....say, Sequence_Key.....
  13. use function define in defining your variables in your config.php for you to be able to get the values defined in your config.php. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.define.php
  14. not sure if this is what u want.... $str = "www.something.com"; $new = preg_replace("/($str)/", "<a href=$1>$1[/url]", $str);
  15. just a syntax error...forgot the $ sign in first line... date1=array(); ==> $date1 = array();
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