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  1. No, but it's an easy place for an activeX component to download an executable to and, if users are allowed to execute from it, then it can execute that executable launching a virus. What I'm saying is that it is a vulnerability for me the computer user (since this is a personal computer) although since most people don't have this vulnerability then perhaps there are no/few viruses exploiting it and probability of me hitting it is low. I seem to remember that IIS is impersonating my primary user account so perhaps by turning impersonation off I can get IIS_USER to be the only one who needs permissions for the temp folder.
  2. set to a high enough level and display_errors set to On ? It's very strange for php to fail and not tell you why. error_reporting was set to all, but display_errors was off, my fault. I turned display_errors on and got the following message when trying to run phpMyAdmin: Warning: Unknown: open(C:\Windows\Temp\sess_p2senobmer8ld3eb4kv35dc6r5h4uca1, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (C:\Windows\Temp) in Unknown on line 0 My previous test with writing files now seems to work. What's weird is that it stated working after I used opendir/readdir. I used this command once and like magic files started appearing ever since. Perhaps some bug with FastCGI/IIS 7? Who knows... I'll try changing permissions with Temp... Ok, problem "solved" by giving Users full control over C:/Windows/Temp But this seems like a rather inherently unsafe solution. Giving IIS_USER full control was insufficient so I'm wondering how else I can limit permissions without killing everything.
  3. set to a high enough level and display_errors set to On ? It's very strange for php to fail and not tell you why. error_reporting was set to all, but display_errors was off, my fault. I turned display_errors on and got the following message when trying to run phpMyAdmin: Warning: Unknown: open(C:\Windows\Temp\sess_p2senobmer8ld3eb4kv35dc6r5h4uca1, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (C:\Windows\Temp) in Unknown on line 0 My previous test with writing files now seems to work. What's weird is that it stated working after I used opendir/readdir. I used this command once and like magic files started appearing ever since. Perhaps some bug with FastCGI/IIS 7? Who knows... I'll try changing permissions with Temp...
  4. Hello, I tried installing a test environment on my laptop today. I'm running IIS7 with php 5.3 on 32bit Vista Premium. PHP seems to be working fine but I had some silent error when trying to set-up phpMyAdmin. After some nosing around I found that the problem was that I could not write/append to files, but without getting any error messages. That is, I can open a stream, get a valid resource id, but when I try doing fprintf nothing happens. I thought it was a permission issue but even after I gave full control to everybody, the issue persisted. Any suggestions how I can debug this? Thanks, Ilya
  5. Ok, while you still get some problems, the solution is actually pretty nice. Thank you, topic solved. I used, based on sasa's suggestion: function OptimizeCurpath($curpath){ $a=$curpath; $a = explode('/',$a); $count = count($a); for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) { if ($a[$i] == '..' && $a[$i-1]!='..') { unset($a[$i]); unset($a[$i - 1]); } } $a=implode('/',$a); return $a; }
  6. I actually like sasa's solution and will try to implement it...
  7. Lol, all php code is executed at page load. If you want a row deleted only when you click the link you must have something along the lines of main.html <a href="delterow.php">Delete Row FTW!</a> delterow.php <?php $query_apagar = mysql_query("DELETE FROM contacto WHERE id = '1'");?>
  8. Well, writing to a file can be done by something along the lines of $content="Your Content Here"; $filename="yourfile.txt"; $fin=fopen($filename,"w"); fwrite($fin,$content); fclose($fin); Hope this helps, Ilya
  9. Hi, I'm writing a file manager for a school org I'm in. My question is this, currently, when I have someone navigate through directories and they want to go one up I simply append ../ to the directory path. Since this is done in a series of places and it is fairly convenient, I don't think I'm going to change this. The problem, however, is that after some browsing you end up with a path along the lines of "../dev/sample1/../sample2/../sample3/../" instead of simply "../dev/". This becomes very problematic if one of the folders I've previously browsed was deleted (in which case the whole algorithm breaks). What I need to do is create a function that would take in the currentpath $curpath (which can be ugly and long) and spit out the optimized path (so, to return back to my example, I want to be able to pass the function "../dev/sample1/../sample2/../sample3/../" and have it return "../dev/"). I tried to make an algorithm by splitting the path by split($curpath,"/") and then removing parts of the array that precede ".." but it doesn't really work. Hope you can help me, Thank you in advance, Ilya V
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