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Everything posted by flowingwindrider

  1. Ok, I've fixed the anchor tag (and feel pretty dumb about that mistake). How do I declare the email as html? Thanks so much for the help.
  2. I've defined the $cancel variable as $cancel .= "<a href=\"brasonentertainersguild.com/cancel.htm\"click here[/url]"; This goes into the body of the email as follows: $pfw_header = "From: [email protected]\n" . "Reply-To: [email protected]\n"; $pfw_subject = "Your Ad Has Been Received"; $pfw_email_to = "$Email"; $pfw_message = "Thank you for your submission! We will post your ad online as soon as possible. Your ad will automatically expire one month from today.\n" ."\n" . "Your Confirmation Number is: $conf_no. Please $cancel if you'd like to cancel your ad before its expiration date.\n" . "\n" . "- Branson Entertainers Guild"; @mail($pfw_email_to, $pfw_subject ,$pfw_message ,$pfw_header ) ;
  3. Sorry, but this just prints as text as well. I defined the variable $cancel .= "<a href=\"brasonentertainersguild.com/cancel.htm\"click here[/url]"; and then put the $cancel variable into the $message variable of my email. Where am I going wrong?
  4. I'm attempting to insert a link into the body of an email that I'm creating using the mail() function. Since everything in the $message variable is inside quotations, the link keeps printing the html code instead of creating a link. Can anyone help? Sorry if this is a n00b question; I'm very new to PHP. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
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