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  1. thank you for the reply. i got it working a bit different though. in included the embed swf in a javascrip code and it works. look at what i did: note: and do let me know if you have any comments on how i went about it. by the way, this took me 6 day to figure out.
  2. this is the code i am using to include my header. the issue is that the embeded swf, the first one, will not show on IE. this is giving me a headache because it will show even if i write a dot (.) right after or before the <?php require_once..?>, which is crazy. will also show if i add any other kind of code like <!--<?php header("Cache-control: private");?>-->, yes, and an error message with it. i checked for extras space and there is none. i just don't know what to do to it to make it work. my head is spinning here. Arthemio :-\
  3. ok. the header is showin, however, on top of it is a warnin message. i get this message no matter where i put the "IE fix", in the index page or on the actual page that is to be enbeded. if only this warnin could disappear. please let me know if you have any thoughts. thx. Arthemio :-\
  4. I got it. funny thing it worked when i first put it in and stop working after i refreshed. why is that? Arthemio
  5. Ryan, i am not sure where exactly you suggest me to add this . after <? include_once('header.inc.php'); ?> (here per se) or where? thx. Arthemio
  6. hi, i have an index page with an <? include_once('header.inc.php'); ?>, yet, it doesn't show on IE 6 pc. - oh! the "header" file works fine on FF pc/mac. in safari, the links in the the nav all link to the index page- this behavior only happens in safari though. thx. Arthemio ???
  7. thx for the link- this is fantastic. Arthemio
  8. i got this tutorial on how to make the drop down effect. although it is partial of what i am looking for. link: http://tinyurl.com/2rhp5e let me know if it works for you. Arthemio
  9. i am looking for the same script that will alow me to create the same kind of menu you are lookin for. the sample link you provided is indeed very nice. wish some of the js gurus here would give us a hand. thx. Arthemio
  10. i had posted this request on the php forum and was told to post here instead. ??? hi, i am interested in learning/create a drop down menu bar - the ones you hover the mouse over and a drop down list of choices (with an almost transparent bg) comes down. then when click it takes you to another page that has another sidebar which highlights the page you are in. so on the side bar you can click and both the img on side bar and the menu bar will change so to indicate what section of the site you are in. where can i find the code that will help me do that? any suggestions will be appreciated. thanks. Arthemio ps. you can email at [email protected]
  11. that's not so helpful. i am searching but as you see i am a novice and what i find doesn't really show me any visual sample of what i am lookin at. see what i mean! any site you know is good find tutorials of this sort? Arthemio
  12. great. so, do you have any idea of where i can get that code? thx, arthemio
  13. hi, i am interested in learning to make a drop down menu bar - the ones you hover the mouse over and a drop down list of choices (with an almost transparent bg) comes down. then when click it takes you to another page that has another sidebar which highlights the page you are in. so on the side bar you can click and both the img on side bar and the menu bar will change so to indicate what section of the site you are in. where can i find the code that will help me do that? any suggestions will be appreciated. thx. Arthemio ps. you can email at [email protected]
  14. ohh my, i fixed it!! well, you helped me do so. i am very happy i was able to do so. php rock! thx again. i will stick around to learn much from you all. Arthemio
  15. hi, i am a novice doing php and i am working on a site with uses the <?php include_once()- i the original file has this code at end of page to call for a right side navigation bar. now i a adding a second navigation bar on the left and i'm such error. any help, please. Arthemio [email protected]
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