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Everything posted by suicide-boy

  1. Hi all, long time since I've been here :-\ Annnnyways, I've just had begun writing a site (it still has a loada editing to do though) and it's going to involve a user submitting a file which will then get sent/emailed to me. What I'm asking is: Do I just use the <form> tag with a browse and submit button with an "Echo" or does it involve more? And can it be done using just an ftp or do I need more? Ta
  2. Cheers for that people. Just tested it out and it works fine. Hah. Techiefreak popped my comment cherry. But considering he's my only "Friend" on there I can't be too surprised, can I? New url: http://profileflip.com/vile-minds And I think I just answered your question in my comments. How'd I find it? Tadaaaa, on here.
  3. Call me a n00b but how do I browse users exactly? I can't find a link anywhere. And also: I dunno if it's a bug or my laptop but if I try going to my profile it don't work, I get some sort of php error msg. And yes I have tried it in both IE and FF. here's the link BTW: http://profileflip.com/Vile_Minds
  4. Fireworks, Coreldraw, Paintshop pro , Illustrator, Freehand.... But looking at your question I recommend you to use MS Paint. LOL Excuse Me? If you were referring to the making buttons, that's not all I wanna make, ya know
  5. G'day people. I'm about to get working on a new site (Yeah, another one) but right now it ain't none of your business Anyways, back on subject. I wanna make this one look decent with some good buttons and backgrounds so my question is this: Is photoshop the only program I can use or can I use something like Paintshop Pro 8? Thanks in advance, Pete
  6. Just signed up and it seems pretty decent. Gotta agree with the Facebook bit though but I hate FB and this seems better. No offence but I think the home page almost looks *excatly* like myspace apart from a bit of moving around. Vile_Minds would be the name on there
  7. Nice ideas, thanks! That site I have now is gonna go soon cos it's not working out well so I'm gonna see if I can sell the ftp and domain or I'll just clear it all and set up a page about it disappearing. I'm gonna put some harder work into this new one though.
  8. I know why it didn't work, funkin n00b I am. You've set it to allow just 10 digits when mine is 11 digits. FYI: It's a 079 number on UK T-mobile. I tried removing the 0 but it still didn't work. Also I tried keeping the 0 and removing the last number. Nahhh, it ain't gotta work for me it looks. Oh well, I'll have to stick with 1800 a month or keep my 900 minutes and do no txtin.
  9. The answer is probably simple and I also probably know how to do it. I was wondering how do I create a small box with a banner or whatever code in it? Think myspace bands and their banners. Is it something like: <text area = "..."> I apologise in advance for being such a n00b and I know I porbably wrote that bit wrong.
  10. I must say I do like those 2 devil pictures on the sides. What did you use to make them?
  11. I'm with the rest on this. Clean and easy to read and no problem with the size - it was a simple scroll down a little to read the rest. One random question though - what does all that gobblebegook mean in the text area mean? I saw it on a myspace layout page earlier today.
  12. Hi all, I'm about to start work on a new site for my band which is actually going somewhere after months of lagging. Anyways, I wanna know what you'd like to see on the site?! I've already planned the following: - Bio - Profiles/member info - Listening playlists/Background music (with stop 'n' start of course) - Dates - Pictures - Wallpapers What else do you think I should stick on the site. I'm getting bored of just using HTML now so I'm gonna attempt to get learning JS to make pages active. And once I've picked up php I might slap a forum and chat box up. Anything else? And sorry if this is in the wrong area - I didn't spot one for ideas. Pete
  13. I've tried loadsa free sites and found that none of them allow the <form> tag. They just tell you that forms aren't allowed and then cut that page off. As mrAdam said - webspace/ftp and domains these days ain't that expensive and if you don't wanna invest in an ftp try something like esnip.com or whatever it's called. I dunno if it'll work though cos I've never used it. So if you want something mega good, freewebs just ain't the place.
  14. I just tried giving it a whizz to my mobile (or is it cell?) which is a UK number and it hasn't arrived. That must mean it works only for US numbers, right? You might wanna stick somewhere on the page "US numbers only" to avoid confusion and upsets when people never get a reply text. With that outta the way, I, personally think it's a good idea. Say a person runs outta credit and doesn't have a text deal. What're they gonna do about it? Go to "mytxtsite.com" of course. I dunno if it's my computer but each time I tried changing the theme all that happened was that back bit diappeared. Glitch or bad laptop? Other than that it's a pretty good idea.
  15. actually this is where a lot of designers make a mistake some stuff should be made with HTML and CSS only because it sinply loads faster and if its done in the right way you can obtain your information quicker. Often I want my information quick and readable instead of a labyrinth of crappy flash effects. What I meant by it getting boring is that it's the only code I've been using and nothing else so I wanna upgrade so to speak. Of course I'll continuue to use HTML, I just want some active pages, even if it's text mouseover effects.
  16. Righteo! I'm starting to get to work on a site for me and a mates music projects but it's gonna be split. As an enter page what I wanna do is when the page opens I want the logo image to fly from the left to the center of the screen above a link to the page. If it doen in JS or by the <embed> tag? Thanks
  17. I shoulda mentioned that I was gonna get a new laptop soon. This piece of crap was originally made for '98 and I'm running XP >.< I'm hoping to do a new site that involves flash and javascript. I'm sure you'll agree that HTML does get a little boring after a few years. Going kinda off and on subject. If you have an ideas for an enter page then please lemme know.
  18. Now that's ironic. I was searching for people who want a coder then I come on here and Tada! there's someone asking. I'd be happy to do it and hopefully build up a portfolio. Money would be nice but meh, we can't have it all can we. Message or email me [email protected] (Weird email I know. I was 14 OK!!??) Email would be best then we can get something hopefully sorted. BTW: Dragonball Z used to be kool to me XD
  19. Ahhh right. So the /swf file is just one big flash then?! Thanks for that. So its: Create flash animation/file > Embed. Right gotcha! Sadly thogh I can't do a flash file cos my laptop has only 20gb harddrive. Sucks big time.
  20. Hi all, me again. I'm hoping to get working on a new site which will be better looking than a bog standard non moving page. There's one thing I'd like to know: How to I make small images fly around the screen then stop in a certain place then have an "Enter" button appaear. If you didn't understand that go to www.kikikannibal.com a site an online friend of mine made. She told me it was mainly done in javascript. I've searched all the tags I can think off but I haven't found anything. All help is appreciated. Pete
  21. I shoulda gone to the site 1st. The menu has change but here's what it used to do. Hang the cursor over a word on the left box, say, fuck fashion. A sub-menu would then appear to the right Roll onto the sub-menu and either another sub would appear or it wouldn't depending on what's there.
  22. Well, not exactly special but when the cursor "hangs" over it another box appears. That's what I wanted to do. I found the code but it kinda buggered up my page. I'll have a play about with it, see what I can do. Oh yeah, the bit that "pops" out is in the clothing section list thing.
  23. I removed and put the ; back in for a test. It's not working but right now I've given up with the forums/put them on hold while I re-do the templates and make it look better.
  24. Hi people. I'm re-doing my site using a template and due to there being only a certain amount of buttons I wanna add some "activity" to them. Okey doke then: What I wanna do is when the cursor goes over them a menu automatically drops down with links to other pages. Go to www.smellyourmum.com and rollover a menuu and you'll see what I mean. If somebody to let me know ow to do it it'd be highly appreciated and I'll give you 2 gold stars
  25. The above code worked but now it has an error on line 23 ??? I'm guessing there's summing up with the variable but I dunno what. Gawd this is getting annoying Line 20 - 24: $add_topic_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $add_topic_sql) //create and issue 2nd query $topic_id = mysqli_insert_id($mysqli); Sorry 'bout all this hassle.
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