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  1. Yeah, I thought so too. I need to figure out how to just display the divs correctly before I get into that I guess.
  2. <div class='infoclass'><a href='page.php?id=34'>item</a></div> I think I need to just spend more time making sure the CSS files are linked correctly? I wish there was a web-based HTML editor that you could enter in your FTP info so that I could mess with this at work! After this I was planning to figure out a way that the order that the items are displayed can be changed by a drag and drop AJAX interface similar to how you edit your "top 8" in MySpace if that helps you understand what I am trying to get at. So I am not sure if the floating div is the best way to go about this.
  3. Thanks Dj, I guess what I meant by PHP was the HTML syntax used within PHP for echo. Like you can't use echo("<div class="class"></div>"); Is there a better way to display 64x64 boxes in a 8x8 grid? The floating div way worked for me in IE at one time but not in Safari/Firefox, which was different for me, usually the other way around! (I know that this post is double posted, I cant figure out how to delete one!)
  4. Update: I fiddled around with this all night last night and apparently this does not work in IE anymore. It worked in IE earlier this week though I'm not sure what changed. (I work on a Mac at home and always discover IE compatibility issues at work) In short, I get the biggest headaches with CSS. I am just trying to come up with a script that will pull info out of a database and display it in 64x64 boxes in a 8x8 grid. I also want to have it so those boxes can be ordered by dragging and dropping with AJAX similar to when you edit your "top 8 friends" in MySpace.
  5. I couldn't figure out how to delete it in the HTML forum, sorry about that.
  6. I'm looking for a script that would allow users to order items by dragging and dropping 60x60 thumbnail divs into place similar to how you can order your "top 8" friends in MySpace. Ideally the order would be saved to the database and through a combination of AJAX/PHP. I am pretty familiar with PHP and MySQL, but very new to AJAX. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. I am trying to come up with a script that pulls info out of a database and displays it in a grid-like layout using div's. I have it working in IE just fine, but in Safari/Firefox it only lists the items down the left side of the page (100% width div's) as if the browser is ignoring the CSS. Any idea what to do to make this work? Here is the code: PHP: <?php $k=0; $getinfo = mysql_query("SELECT * from table"); while($info = mysql_fetch_array($getinfo)) { echo ("<div class='infoclass'><a href='page.php?id=$info[id]'>$info[item]</a></div>"); $k++; } ?> CSS: .infoclass { width:64px; height:64px; float:left; clear:none; margin:1px; padding:2px; border:solid 1px #E10505; }
  8. I am trying to come up with a script that pulls info out of a database and displays it in a grid-like layout using div's. I have it working in IE just fine, but in Safari/Firefox it only lists the items down the left side of the page (100% width div's) as if the PHP is ignoring the CSS. Here is the code: PHP: <?php $k=0; $getinfo = mysql_query("SELECT * from table"); while($info = mysql_fetch_array($getinfo)) { echo ("<div class='infoclass'><a href='page.php?id=$info[id]'>$info[item]</a></div>"); $k++; } ?> CSS: .infoclass { width:64px; height:64px; float:left; clear:none; margin:1px; padding:2px; border:solid 1px #E10505; } I am in dire need of a solution/fix or any better method of getting this same effect.
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