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  1. ok i think i've managed to get at least something with telnet (see code and images) i want to get the value next to idle but dont quite know how i can do that. and also the value does not display on the output (image 2). any one know y that is? image 1 image 2
  2. yes thanks i'll have a look. never used perl or bash so its new waters for me but never said no to a challange
  3. ah ok.. i just used putty.exe using ssh and it said connection refused, however i can log on using the telnet. so i take it i have to rule out the ssh side and use telnet instead? i found something at www.geckotribe.com/php-telnet/ if any one has any experience with that? looks like what i want. gonan give it a go thanks
  4. ok here is an update. to test if i can connect to my server via ssh2 im just running this little script but every time i open the file.php my cpu usage goes to 50% (taskmanager says httpd.exe) even when i close the window, when i run it again it goes to 100%. what am i doing wrong? ip of server, username and password are all correct the error message im getting is: Warning: ssh2_connect() [function.ssh2-connect]: Unable to connect to on port 22 in C:\www\webroot\test\test.php on line 2 Warning: ssh2_connect() [function.ssh2-connect]: Unable to connect to in C:\www\webroot\test\test.php on line 2 Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\www\webroot\test\test.php on line 2
  5. any one know how to help me out?
  6. sorry, my question is, how can i connect to the unix server with a specific username and password via a php script (if thats possible at all) and if you can how can you execute certain commands and getting the info back to the intranet server.
  7. no its not
  8. Hey, I'm currently working on the intranet site for our company and i've been asked to create a site where the status of our unix server is been displayed. at the moment all admins have their own logon using AIX (v4) and using the command topas to display the idle and other info. what i want to do is create we php script that connects to the server using a logon and executing the topas command. i then want to display the idle process (but tahts not that importaint. i'll get to that when i'm able to connect to the server (if thats possbile lol)
  9. ok thx i'll use require_once instead of require where needed
  10. Hello, I've got a question regarding the require statement. When i have a function in the phpfile i want to require, first function is automatically called without me telling it to. is that on purpose and if so how can i find a way around this. i have a file where most of my functions are stored and then called upon when ever i need them. Thanks Mark
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