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  1. thanx for the reply ........... it's working
  2. hi ..... i have "z" option of date(); so i have the year day and also year year_day = 364 <------------- this will be 31st decmember and year = 2008 so using year_day n year .... i need the output to be 31/12/2008 hope now it is clear
  3. hi i m not finding the current date ..... i have the year day (that is if it is 2nd jan than i hav 1 as year day) and the year .... for example year_day = 1 year = 2008 so i want function which returns 02/01/2008 thanx
  4. hi ........all i have the day of the year and year, how to convert it to date format (dd/mm/yyyy) in php thanx dg
  5. dg

    mysql table structure

    indexes are already there for the table , but still i wnted sme better table structure which would reduce the no of records in the table....since for the years to come the table will get populated........ thanks in advance........awaiting for a reply........
  6. dg

    mysql table structure

    hi, i m design a attendance system for a company..... which has around 3000 employees and each employee is working in shifts .... so my table structure has employee_id, date, time_in, time_out , shift_id ...... so a employee work for two shift......two records goes into the table ..... so for a year if the employee falls in two shifts then he has 365*2 records per year .... so for whole company 3000*365*2 records per year .... now accessing/searching through the table becomes very time consuming. any suggestions for storing the data or changing the table structure . --thanx dg
  7. hi ....all i have a mysql attendance table which has student_id, time_in, timeout, date ........ and storing for each day ..... now my problem is at the end of year my table has around 9lacs records .... which slows down the processes is ther any better way to store or change the structure of the table........ thanx dg
  8. <?php echo "#######\n"; echo chr ( 0 ); echo "$$$$$$$\n"; ?> // purposely chr ( 0 ) ....is written like this since ther's problem while posting
  9. even i realized that this submission fails if i type chr ( 0 ) properly
  10. hi all, i m having chr ( 0 ) in php program but whenever it execute this line, it breaks out from the program .... can anyone tell me y? i want a ascii NUL in the code thanx --dg
  11. <?PHP $start="6:00"; $finish="10:00"; $a=explode(":",$start); $start_hr=$a[0]; $a=explode(":",$finish); $finish_hr=$a[0]; $int_interval=15; $interval=00; for($i=$start_hr;$i<=$finish_hr;$i++) { if ($interval > 45) $interval=00; echo $i.":".$interval."<BR>" ; $interval += $int_interval; } ?>
  12. work fine with firefox too
  13. are u storing the data what is ther in the database in the last in $last ?? or try this `points` = `points` + '$points' (one is from the database)
  14. where is $points ? .... if it isn't there than initialize it to zero
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