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Everything posted by mysik

  1. Hi again.... That was really really quick, awesome, it works like a charm, thanks alot champ... Regards Mysik
  2. Hi all, I am new here and was told by a friend that I might find some help here to my problem... I will even pay a little for the code, can only pay via epassporte, but if thats okay let me know... I have a homepage http://www.mypage.com/index.php somewhere on that page I have to be able to insert a random .txt file from http://www.remoteserver.com/txt/ this is where all my txt files are stored, named 1.txt - 100.txt I need the code to insert on http://www.mypage.com/index.php that gets the random txt file from my other domain, every time the page is loaded ! I have been told this is possible so I hoped someone in here could help me out ! Contact me on [email protected] or write in here if you are able to help and lets work out a price if you want money for this.. Regards Mysik
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