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  1. Proudly made it myself, with Notepad. (Although last night I downloaded Notepad++ and will probably give that a try.) Thanks for the link. Will check it out when I get home.
  2. Anything? It'd be much appreciated.
  3. I've been Googling for about an hour, and I must be using the wrong terminology because I'm only finding guides to overall site hit counters. I'm looking for some help devising hit counters for blog entries. I want to display (probably for myself) how many views, possibly unique views, and new comments using PHP and MySQL. What should I be Googling for, or does anyone have some useful links? I'm not very knowledgeable about SESSIONS, so I could use some really good tutorials regarding them as well. Hopefully that's clear enough. I'm at work, so I have to be quick.
  4. Yeah, I bet. Thanks for the help.
  5. Sorry. Didn't at first notice the link in your sig. So English probably isn't native to you, but you do kinda look thirteen. :-\
  6. I could give you quite a few reasons, actually. But thanks. Won't be an issue. I'm not that far yet. I know my PHP could be cleaned up, and I'll get to that. What matters most is what works best for me anyway. Isn't how it's supposed to display and how I intended it to display the same thing? Gee, thanks. I'm more concerned about how easy it is for me to read, and right now it's pretty easy. Well, since I'm the sole web designer, it only needs to be easy for me. If I post some code I need analyzed, it won't be formatted so. You know, I didn't really ask for a critique just yet, but I'm happy you don't like anything about my site. All I asked for was if the div was displaying in the right place. Unnecessary how? Because you'd rather use a different method? Right now the page is displaying how I want it to. Absolute positioning can cause problems. I'd rather not use any positioning attributes. I'm not a professional, and I'm not in the business of selling my time to build websites for other people. How difficult, exactly, are they? Honestly, with your spelling mistakes, typos, and constant misuses of "witch" instead of "which" and "curse" instead of "cause," I have to either think you're like twelve or thirteen, not a native English speaker, or somehow you've managed to gain a good knowledge of web development with poor grammar. I can't control someone changing their zoom. I've done it to plenty of business-class websites and they always look hideous. It's a browser issue more than a web design one. We have to design around different resolutions and pack as much text as we can into whatever space we provide ourselves. Instead of going with a fluid design, I went with a fixed width suitable for any resolution 1024x768 and higher. In my experience with other projects, I had very few users come with a resolution under that, and I'm willing to take the risk. Thanks for taking the time.
  7. Please help me verify that the feedback div is indeed displaying correctly for you. It should be in the upper right corner of the main content area. http://www.fridayrain.com
  8. Appears to be solved, but I need to experiment more before I solve the thread. Seems all I needed to do was change #atmosphere from display: table to display: inline. But I also messed around with floating and clearing and at this point I don't know what exactly is different. My CSS still needs to be cleaned up and validated. So far it seems to be fixed. Phew.
  9. For example, would this be valid? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>FridayRain</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-5" />
  10. Just to clarify, can I use XHTML Strict 1.0 if I change the charset, or can I not use any XHTML doctype because I'm not using XML?
  11. And what brilliance? If I were a brilliant web designer, I wouldn't be here, right? Everyone was a novice at one point.
  12. I'm not an ass. Just about every reply of yours mentions XHTML being served wrong and therefore invalid, and I haven't even worked on it yet. I get it and I will fix it. If I didn't know about your big rant thread about the very topic, I wouldn't be so overwhelmed by it. It's suffocating. It's like your religion or something. Yes, I know, I have all these XHTML issues. The wrong DOCTYPE, etc. Let me take what you've told me to fix and actually fix it and get back to you with an update. Thanks for the insulting clue. Instead of calling you a hypocrite for telling me not to be... ...I'll just suggest you not be rude to people you're trying to help.
  13. Please step down from your valid XHTML high horse a little and give people a break.
  14. Yeah yeah, it's so fun to come and rip my code apart and express how mean I'm being to people "trying" to help. Make yourselves feel so good about your kindness and PHP ability. My bad. I didn't specify that I removed the PHP in the offline version only just as an experiment. I didn't see a need to upload the "working" version if I wanted people to look at what's going on. Wouldn't that be pointless? This weekend I'll have a lot of time to straighten things out. Apologies for hurting anyone's feelings.
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