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Posts posted by Tatj

  1. If I understand the problem, I have it figured out. 


    When I use the NOW() function in the INSERT INTO myTable(x) VALUES('$x');, the field was set to dateTime. So when the data was retrieved it was already formated.  To be able to retrieve and delete after a week, the format to compare needed to be of same format of the field.

    This is the code that I got working:


    $lastWeek=time()-(7*24*60*60); /*figures time from week ago exactly*/

    $formatted=date('Y-m-d h:i:s',$lastWeek); /*formats time for comparison*/

    $select="delete from payment where dateTime<'$formatted'"; //(notice the single then double quotes)

    /*comparison of where database time is less than (older) than last week*/

    $query=mysql_query($select) or die('Could not do query');

  2. I have the same issue with datediff().  Can't use it either.  I will experiment using just unix timestamp.  If this works, it's just a question of comparison operators.  Will write back on this.


    Maybe I'm not understanding correctly.  When I use the NOW() function, I use it withing the php query, not the database admin. 


    $queryOne="INSERT INTO myTable(dateTime) VALUES(NOW());


    $resultTable=mysql_query($queryOne) or die('Coud not do: ' . mysql_error());


    The rest of the code to retreive the info (that I use)


    $select="SELECT* FROM myTable";

    $resultTable2=mysql_query($select) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());




          $dateTime=$line['dateTime'];//dateTime is the field name

          echo "<tr><td> Date and Time: " . $dateTime . "</td></tr>";



    This works well for me.





  3. A question from myself,


    I am dealing with having to delete dated time from my MySql table.  The reason is, this particular table will contain consumer credit information that must be automatically deleted within 15 days (I prefer 8 days). Credit card companies are really sensitive about this.


    I have tried:

    "SELECT datediff(now(),'2007-24-18T00:00:00') from myTable"

    and even tried to subtract the time() in unix-timestamp from the different of "today" and the database archived time.  Even if I were to get this to work, how can I

    "DELETE FROM myTable where timeField='more than eight days ago'" ?

    I'm having a hard time getting this to work.







    $nowtime=date('Y-m-d h:i:s');  does not work in the SELECT* FROM myTable where timeField='$nowtime'  when I've used the NOW() function when inserting info into the table (even though both look identical).




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