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Posts posted by syntaxerror

  1. i need to load the page in a sequence that i the more essential stuff load up quickly




    and the longer lists load later...


    i have this page with tons of info, and there are some areas that are accessed more frequently

    basically it might allow the user to see the common links rather quickly, and click on it before the entire page loads if it is not necessary for the entire page to load

  2. to whom it may concern,


    just wanted to ask if there's a place where i might find installation instructions for php 5.+ on linux via source (.tar.gz file)


    i haven't had sufficient time to really get into it, so if anyone might know a straightforward guide for this that i may be able to use... better if included source installation for apache and mysql as well...


    btw, wouldn't it be helpful if we have sticky's for such, basic installations...

    options to install php get it going, wamp, xamp, windows-apache-mysql-php, linux-apache-mysql-php(using .tar.gz, using apt, using deb, using rpm...)


    it might sound like spoonfeeding, but i really just want to focus on php-mysql development more than anything else, thanks

  3. ok here's what i get


    violation of compressed file restriction - does this indicate a restriction from our server?

    curiously, i can still download the mysql tar.gz which is about 60 Mb as opposed to php being less than 10 mb


    i've had a friend download it for me, he zipped it into rar format and mailed to me... but still i can't access / download the deformed file...??? it was renamed double2x.rar


  4. i've been having problems trying to download php-5.2.5.tar.gz


    is there something going on with this release... i've been able to download the recent mysql tar.gz release...


    so i'm sure it's not a download restriction problem, since it's the same file format and an even larger file at that...



    aside from the php site, the only other site i've seen hosting the download is sunfreeware.com...


    the browser kept spitting virus detected, and deleted whenever the download did try to proceed


  5. it's quite unfortunate that i'm using an antique test pc... and eclipse appears to need a lot of resource, i'll just have to remain with Quanta, probably the next best thing for php projects

  6. notepad??? that's nasty... and that's only for win envi anyway...


    i really, really just need another editor that can help me go to the function declaration

    in a jiffy...


    it almost appears like very few editors might have that feature... like eclipse...

    really it's very useful on monster projects

  7. Hi everyone,


    I would just like to ask from everyone advice on which PHP editor to use, aside from eclipse( which really drags down my test box ) although the function tracing functionality it has is exactly what I need.

    I'm using Linux, btw... KDE offered Quanta Plus, but it doesn't seem to have the ability to link the function calls to the actual declarations...


  8. hi everyone,



    i've had more than a few years of programming... and only now did i get into web-based environment, or rather, web based programming envi.


    to make a more tangible inquiry let me site an example


    I've an entry form for a particular product line...


    it has 5 basic types... and tons of detail and related bill of materials


       one approach i can give here is to create a function for the layout of the page... with parameters for a number of inputs, and probably a couple of arrays... from there i can decide within the function on which configuration i can display an input page...


       at one end this does give me the advantage of maintaining the layout in one area( the function ), and apply any change easily to all configurations... but that's obviously the purpose of functions.


       however it worries me that php has to process this everytime, the page is requested by a client ( i'm not sure if i got that one right... i'm a rookie, admittedly).


       unlike coding for desktop executables that are compiled once. and the compiled version always available for execution by the users.  Php seems to do the compiling of the page everytime the page is requested by a client(additionally,  the creation and passing of variables, embedding the function into the calling page.. ) and i'm worried that it adds much load to the server( and i'm administering over a lan server machine that's already hosting another system and still acting as file server ).



       So it's pretty hard for me to gauge whether a 'common' block of code would be a good candidate for a function.





    ... hoping to get deeply intuitive responses from you guys, as always


    ( by the way, i think i tried to post this similar question but the php site seems to have undergone some repairs recently and i could no longer see if the post was registered )


    (sorry guys, i did a more thorough search and yup i was successful posting it over a day ago (but surprisingly with no replies which is why  could not find it in the link 'new replies to your post'...  sorry, i am  human, i do err


  9. hey guys, i just need a little bit of insight on this one



    I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of using php functions... creating a  modular program (though in some cases, only 2 or 3 pages may utilize the functions )


    as opposed to just writing all the code in one page, and perhaps just separate the database query functions...



    let me give you a picture :


        i have a product line to be maintained in the system...

        i have 6 configurations/general types...

        they may have similar areas but also have some differences that may affect layouting on the input form



        so i'm not sure if perhaps i should just write one function that will take care of all these, and that would probably involve more than 3 parameters, and most certainly one array.

        on places on the layout i might have to do some case statements to handle for the variations,

        and in others an if then branching....


        while it allows me to centralize all editing in only one spot/ function

        i believe it also adds load to php, that it would have to do some extra operations

        and passing some variables, writing the final layout to the calling page...


        and here i cannot decide firmly which approach to favor. or by which guideline i should adhere


        at some point i realized that this is not like creating a program that is compiled only once and then      the  compiled code executed the way it is, in its lifetime...






  10. from what i see, every time you hit your the first block or page, you're initializing the


    toupeeqty in your session variable to what was once previously posted.


    , you have to make a separate page/block where you initialize the session variable only once


    eg like


    if (isset($_SESSION['toupeeqty']){}




        $_SESSION['toupeeqty'] = $_POST['toupeeqty'];





    perhaps just initialize the $_SESSION['toupeeqty'] to zero from an initial page/mainpage after login,

    and then on all other pages where add to cart is available


    you'd just do your add block, and not have to reintialize the value of $_SESSION['toupeeqty']


  11. i'm usually using header() to redirect the page so my authentication form doesn't really show up, you're either redirected to the login page on a login failure, and i'd display 'incorrect id or password' or you get redirected the main page


    i wonder though if this is a good approach...

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