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Everything posted by rondog

  1. what if you just echo $sql . "<br/>"; ? What does it say?
  2. you would simply use array_push to store the value <?php // Make a MySQL Connection $query = "SELECT Question, COUNT(Answer) FROM question1 GROUP BY Question"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $values = array(); // Print out result while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "There are ". $row['COUNT(Answer)'] ." ". $row['Question'] ." items."; array_push($values,$row['COUNT(Answer)']); } // $values is now an array of data so continue with your script ?>
  3. also make a new text field called cc and change the $_GET['cc'] to $_POST['cc']
  4. since you are using $_GET['cc'], you should have that key pair in your URL bar. http://site.com/?cc=3452345234
  5. alright I just wasn't sure if I HAD to do an include/require..guess I do, thanks
  6. I have two classes: ## Admin.php <?php class Admin { public function __construct() { include("Config.php"); } /** * deletes a client * @returns true or false */ function deleteClient($id) { return mysql_query("DELETE FROM usernames WHERE id = '$id'"); } } ?> ## Projects.php <?php class Projects { public function __construct() { include("Config.php"); $this->admin = $admin; $this->dataFolder = $dataFolder; } /** * Deletes a project * @returns true or false */ function deleteProject($id) { $root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $theDir = $root . $this->dataFolder; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projectData WHERE proj_id = '$id'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $mainFile = $row['path']; $thumb = $row['thumbnail']; if ($thumb != 'null') { unlink($theDir . "/" . substr($thumb,13)); } unlink($theDir . "/" . substr($mainFile,13)); } $delete = mysql_query("DELETE FROM projectData WHERE proj_id = '$id'"); $getDir = mysql_query("SELECT proj_path FROM projects WHERE id = '$id'"); $res = mysql_fetch_array($getDir); rmdir($theDir . "/" . $res['proj_path']); return mysql_query("DELETE FROM projects WHERE id = '$id'"); } } ?> How can I call deleteProject() from within Admin.php?
  7. How do I save the image to the server? I am using this and this works for just displaying the thumbnail I am creating. <?php $src = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']; $img = imagecreatefrompng($src); $width = imagesx($img); $height = imagesy($img); $new_width = 141; $new_height = floor($height * ($new_width / $width)); $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresized($tmp_img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); imagejpeg($tmp_img,NULL,40); imagedestroy($tmp_img); ?> edit::nvm imagejpeg is where its at
  8. alright I'll go ahead and just save an actual thumbnail.
  9. even if they're small thumbnails? My reason for doing this is when they delete the photo, it deletes the reference to the blob as well. I suppose I can delete the actual file by using the file name
  10. maybe base64_encode? Shot in the dark here, hah
  11. Flash can read byteArrays. Does PHP have a method that can convert say an uploaded image into a bytearray? I will be storing it into a longblob field in a DB. I plan to then read that bytearray back into flash and output it as an image. Here is the AS3 method of byteArray: http://www.adobe.com/livedocs/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/flash/utils/ByteArray.html
  12. when posting code, paste your code between (php) (/php) tags...replace the parens with brackets. It makes it much easier to read your code.
  13. excellent, I think that will suffice
  14. How do I check in PHP if something like the GD library is installed on a server? I am going to be making a thumbnailing system and the user can install the app on their server. If they have the GD library, continue with making thumbnails, else show a default thumbnail.
  15. Interesting, I would have not guessed that.
  16. I dont know what errors you are getting, but I am sure one of them is a 'Trim' error. It is 'trim', note the caps.
  17. the only solutions I am finding require powerpoint to be installed on the machine. Alternatively someone suggested open office which should run fine on linux and has command line
  18. <?php echo("<p>" . $commenttext . "<a href=\"adddelete.php?deletecomment=" . $commentid . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('Are you SURE you want to delete this comment?')\">Delete this Comment</a></p>"); ?>
  19. I figured it out... the domain is a subdomain so $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] wasn't accurate. I had to include the document root + the subdomain folder. It is now working. Thanks for helping me.
  20. ok I tried making it in the root directory like so (not quite the xxxxxx directory yet): <?php function createProject($dir) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE proj_path = '$dir'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($query); if ($num > 0) { return "folder already exists"; } else { $root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $theDir = $root . $this->dataFolder . "/" . $dir; return mkdir($root . "/" . $dir,0755); } } ?> It returned true, yet I do not see it in the root. When I try and make it again it says file exists. This code works on my other server, I am guessing their is a weird config on this server going on
  21. It is there and spelled correctly. It also has 755 permissions. I tried changing it to 777, but that didn't help.
  22. I did I have it commented out in the method up top /home/content/c/s/8/cs8xo/html/xxxxxxx/project_data/testfolder2
  23. I am trying to create a folder using amfphp using this method: <?php function createProject($dir) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE proj_path = '$dir'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($query); if ($num > 0) { return "folder already exists"; } else { $root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $theDir = $root . $this->dataFolder . "/" . $dir; //return $theDir; -> "/home/content/c/s/8/cs8xo/html/xxxxxxx/project_data/testfolder2" return mkdir($theDir,0755); } } ?> I've commented out what $theDir returns when I pass it a $dir. $this->dataFolder == "/xxxxxxx/project_data" When I return the mkdir(), I get this error: (Object)#0 message = "faultCode:AMFPHP_RUNTIME_ERROR faultString:'mkdir(): No such file or directory' faultDetail:'/home/content/c/s/8/cs8xo/html/xxxxxxx/amfphp/services/clientlogin2/Projects.php on line 147'" name = "Error" rootCause = (null) Line 147 is referring to the mkdir() line. Can anyone spot anything obvious that I could be missing?
  24. I tried using $value and it seems to be empty. If i echo $value its just blank
  25. yeah sorry, I'll use the term radio button group rather than group next time to be more clear. Also, I wasn't aware you could define the HTML array index. That is very good to know. With your suggesting, this is what I ended up with and it works. Thanks for stickin through if (isset($_POST['savebtn'])) { foreach ($_POST['userlevel'] as $id => $value) { $query = mysql_query("UPDATE members SET userlevel = '" . $_POST['userlevel'][$id] . "' WHERE id = '" . $id . "'"); } }
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