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Everything posted by timmy2

  1. A php book I was reading said I could make is so that all the php error's get sent to my email. I dont have the book anymore but was wondering how to do it?
  2. Is there a way I can have php in css?
  3. Q2. I would define it Group1 (table1, table2, table3);
  4. Ok I'll try again I define 20 groups. In each group there are 3 tables php or mysql counts all the rows in one group (3 table's) each group echo's something diffrent the 4 groups that have the most row's echo the things I've defined.
  5. I have 5 pages footer.php, header.php, sidebar.php, login.php and index.php When the page is on login.php I dont want to display the login link however my code's not working Sidebar.php <?php $coologin = 'login.php'; if ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] === $coologin) { ?> <?php } else { ?> <h2><a href="#" onclick="toggle_visibility('login');">Login</a></h2> <?php } ?>
  6. what does not make sense?
  7. I don't know how to do this Basicly I want to have 20 groups of 3. Php or mysql adds all the rows in each group I define the groups from table's eg.(table1, table2, table3 would be a group) then it checks which groups has the most rows and display's the 4 groups that have the most row's and I echo something diffrent about each group hope this makes sense
  8. but will that just show the databse's ? I would like it to show diffrent text for each database
  9. I was wondering how I would Display the top 4 mysql database's? I was thinking of using the <a href="http://us3.php.net/switch">switch function</a> but I don't know what the variable would be Can someone help me?
  10. i had a row called NULL but now it's gone
  11. Is there anyway to delete the mysql column NULL?
  12. Is there a way to move a row from one column to the next?
  13. if you are using cPanel you can upload a zip and then extract it in your folder
  14. timmy2


    that's for redirecting pages when you use a new structure and does not have anything about getting the refer
  15. timmy2


    that just give me this error Sorry the file you requested Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in myfile on line 5 was not found
  16. timmy2


    should I do this with javascript? :-\
  17. timmy2


    I'm trying to create a php 404 file however I dont know the command to echo the file you are trying to access I tried but that just echoed 404.php I'd really appreciate any help
  18. 12 <?php 13 error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); 14 if ($session->logged_in) { 15 $dbh = mysql_connect ("localhost", "user", "password") or die (mysql_error()); 16 mysql_select_db ("db"); 17 //break 18 if($session->userinfo['gething'] == base64_decode($_GET['thing']){
  19. line 18 is with my own variables
  20. now I'm getting this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in mydir on line 18
  21. ok thanks I had an idea but I wasn't sure
  22. Does anybody have an example code that checks if two variables are the same and if they aren't the same they do something and if they are the same they do something different?
  23. Are you sure you have php installed? make a file called phpinfo.php and paste this code inside and if it show up lot of thing about php you've installed it <?php phpinfo() ?>
  24. I did not ask you to write the code! I asked if teng84's example would let me do what I stated in my earlier posts I dont want to spend a whole day trying to adapt it to my code and find out at the end of the day that the example would not do the thing I wanted FYI: I'm a newbie
  25. will the code that teng84 do ... will be using a session variable not a GET one and also I want a list of stuff from a mysql database and if one matches something than it changes text color or something like that... ... THere's going to be a whole list and if it matches I only want one row to change color... ??
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