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Everything posted by dotBz

  1. Hi there! I was wondering before if removing the 'user' password from a password-protected PDF is possble and I found PDFlib extension (not sure of the term) from pecl although I believe it isn't for free? Since when I used the samples, there were watermarks in the PDF files it generated. I tried PDFlib + PDI and works awesome except that it isn't for free. I also found fpdf + fpdi + fpdi_protection_128_pro although fpdi_protection_128_pro is also not available for free. I also found this although I was asked to search for a solution that uses PHP. Anyways, was wondering if you guys know of such that is for free. Thanks!
  2. hi, any ideas how i can do this? insert data into table (table has an auto_increment id as 1st column) view the data that was inserted in another page redirected using header() So far, I have this: <?php $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO table (data_1, data_2) VALUES ('%s', '%s');", 'data', 'data'); if (mysql_query($sql)) header("Location: another_page.php?id=" . mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY id DESC;"), 0)); ?> I'm sure there's a better way. Thanks in advance..
  3. I think you it's recommended to disable register globals. Check out this link. And I don't think it is necessary to have register globals on when using "includes".
  4. Hmm, it seems to work with others but not mine. It always logs my ip address.. I'll try it with my host..
  5. Hi, just wondering why my counter doesn't work: <?php if (ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', 1) === FALSE) { echo "ERROR: Cannot set ini file."; exit; } if ($ip = file('ipaddr', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES)) { if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $ip)) { if ($handle = fopen('ipaddr', 'a')) { fwrite($handle, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n"); fclose($handle); } else echo "ERROR: Opening File."; } } else echo "ERROR: Reading file."; ?> The 'ipaddr' file contains this: I think I'm having trouble w/ newlines.. Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks!
  6. Hi, I was wondering how to do this. A paragraph of a certain article is printed out and there would be a link that directs to the actual article. Thanks in advnace..
  7. remove the quote and dot to add the other variables, you could do this: $var = sprintf("%s%.3s%s%s", $login, mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name_last']), $timestamp); not sure..
  8. hmm. how about trying: sprintf("%.3s", $name_last);
  9. $pc = mysql_query($profilecomments) or die(); $senderid = $pc['id']; Same problem I guess.. the one you had a while ago :-\
  10. try this: $fn = mysql_query($getfname) or die(); $friendname = mysql_result($fn, 0);
  11. hmm. yeah, and put it on the very top of the script..
  12. the messages are stored on privmsgs_text table
  13. another is $query = "SELECT id FROM claim_details WHERE id='{$_GET['id']}';"; or there's probably an error in your sql query. try "echo $query", that could help
  14. i guess it's used to identify a member variable or function of a class
  15. that would be included in the html portion i guess :-\
  16. http://www.php.net/is-numeric http://www.php.net/is-string http://www.php.net/strlen and regular expressions
  17. hmm. may we see the source.. also do an "echo" of the query.. $sql = "SELECT * FROM table;"; echo $sql; that would help i guess
  18. Hmm. Not sure what you exactly meant.. If I got the picture, you could probably do this: Store the date using strtotime(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE date < " . strtotime("now") . ";"); $query = mysql_query($sql) while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query) { ...do something } You want to retrieve the data w/ the date that has passed already right? :-\
  19. I'd be glad to help.. Although I don't clearly understand the problem.. You want someone to write the whole scripts? Or have you started writing some already?
  20. I got this: for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { echo str_pad($i, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "\n"; }
  21. http://php.net/str_pad
  22. I guess you could add this to the html page <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=somesite.com" /> That's what I do..
  23. echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>\" >" ; i guess this should be echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\">";
  24. hmm. just wondering.. maybe you could try print_r($_FILES['userfile']) to see if there are actually values in it.. :-\
  25. dotBz

    sprintf help

    http://php.net/sprintf Hope that helps..
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