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  1. I know many of us have dealt with the 'curly text' resultant from cut/pasting from Microsoft Word. The new version of Office seems to be in full swing now, and I'm starting to see a new strain of 'super' curly text, usually about 10-12 characters long per character... So far these things have eluded all of my string replacing, conversion, and cleaning functions. Has anyone else found a way to clean them up effectively?
  2. The function def says it turns "\n" to "<br />"...does that mean conventional rich text carriage returns as well? I'll try it when I get a free minute, but if anyone knows if those are included, that would be helpful. Thanks for the help, by the way -- searches for "convert rich text html" weren't that fruitful. :-)
  3. I have a text area form, which takes a input in the form of a letter (which my users have been cut-pasting in rich text) but needs to be converted to HTML for line/paragraph breaks, formatting, etc... Is there an easy way (function) to convert or should I just change the forms to FCK?
  4. You may want to extend that so that it deletes (cleans up) tables when done with them, I've created tables dynamically, and you can get into trouble if they aren't cleaned up when they have no more use. j
  5. The reason it's dysfunctional is because its Javascript, not PHP... I'm not sure that PHP and JavaScript are compatible except in regards to where PHP would help with stuff like dynamic variable assigning, so a javascript question might not get answered real fast on this board...
  6. You could also make a date field in the database and key it from the most recent date.
  7. Sorry - didn't have a chance to do my homework on that one...I used it with template files (for things like outgoing letters). I'll look into it more. j
  8. Are you using a database to store this, or just using php as a email generation tool? Also, maybe the totaling function isn't working because you call the mail() function before the $a902_total is calculated. Try sending the email after all your totals are calculated. j
  9. Yeah, I've used fckeditor before and like it, and would agree that whoever uses fckeditor is cool, and I would also like to sit at their table during lunch. But, I don't want to create files...just use db text boxes. Can fck send output directly to MySQL db entry?
  10. I don't think you have to revise the code for him anymore - i think whatever you already gave him was turned in for his assignment. I admire your desire to help, but he didn't learn a damn thing from his assignment. That's not a good thing. j
  11. Maybe some code examples would help.
  12. Solved, see http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,167355.0.html
  13. I don't want to make it into a doc file. I just want to preserve things like exponents, and simple formatting such as bold and italics. It does have to do with MySQL tables, in that I want the table format to preserve this stuff. Also, the contributors are from all over the world, and I have no control over their submission style - they are academics, profs and such, and ignore instructions such as those.
  14. I did a lot of work on this, and found that the problem was that sometimes the initial conversions either didn't work, or converted to an html char (like 'â', for example), and when it would seem like the functions weren't converting, they actually were working - it's just that the html entities had been made into plaintext and it didn't see them or something... I ended up declaring a function in one of my include files, and just calling it whenever conversions were needed. The iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", $string) function does the majority of the work. Also, for anyone who didn't know as I didn't, changing the meta tag in the HTML like this <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> dictates the output character set. Thanks for your help, effigy, darkfreaks... j
  15. Ah, i see what's going on here. I bet I could incorporate the iconv function in there too. That way, I could define the function from one of my include files, and just call it whenever I needed it (which is a lot). function htmlentities_iso88592($string='') { $pl_iso = array('ê', 'ó', '±', '¶', '³', '¿', '¼', 'æ', 'ñ', 'Ê', 'Ó', '¡', '¦', '£', '¬', '¯', 'Æ', 'Ñ'); $entitles = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $entitles = array_diff($entitles, $pl_iso); $string = strtr($string, $entitles); $string = iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", $string) return $string; What do you think?
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